Search rights allow you to determine which possibilities of search you wish to give your collaborators and which filters they will have access to.
The Search section consists in 3 categories:
- authorized perimeter (provided filters)
- the right to view all group cards if no filter's been applied
- additional authorizations related to each module (such as permissions to extract or export)
This article explains how the Search section generally works.
In the "Perimeter" section, you can choose the options of filters that will be available for the search view of the concerned module.
- The first column indicates the available filters (agency, business unit, manager, pole).
- In the second column "Allowed values", you will select the perimeter on which your collaborator will be allowed to filter (i.e. "All agencies" or only "Their agencies"). If no values are selected, the collaborator will, then, only be able to filter on their own perimeter.
- In the last column "Customize", you can add agencies, business units, managers and/or poles that are not included in the initial perimeter (i.e. another pole, other that the one the manager is assigned to).
Focus: filtering by manager
Here, different options are possible:
- If you do not check anything in "Allowed values", the manager will only be able to filter on their own perimeter ("Themselves")
- You can choose to expand their perimeter to all managers, to managers of their agencies (main or secondary), to managers of their poles, or even to managers N-1 (managers to whom they are the main manager)
- In the "Customize" column, you can also add other managers that do not fit in "Allowed values" (i.e. your manager works in a team with only one other manager of their assigned pole and you wish to give them permission to filter their own perimeter as well as their colleague's perimeter)
By checking this option, your collaborator will be given permission to view all cards from the group in the module concerned if they apply no filter on the perimeter.
If this is unchecked and if your collaborator hasn't applied any filters to their search, they will only see all cards from their authorized perimeter (Search rights > Perimeter).
You can enable additional authorizations here, such as permission to extract search results and permission to export (depending on the module concerned).
Specific data defined as inaccessible or hidden in the definition of access rights to your collaborators will be extracted and therefore accessible if you enable the authorization to extract data.
Please refer to the article Create and configure a role in order to go further in the configuration of modules.
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