This feature allows you to send forms to your collaborators.


⚙️ Creating a form


In order to create a form, you need the access rights mentioned in the "Necessary access rights depending on usage > 1 - Necessary access rights to create/configure forms" section of this article.

Administration > Templates > Forms tab

Once you were given the right, you will now find the Forms tab in Administration > Templates. In this tab, you will be able to create and configure forms. 


When creating a form, you will have 3 sections:


1 - Information

After clicking on the (+), you will have to fill the following fields in the Information section:

  • Form name
  • Visible or archived state
  • Card associated to the form (Resources cards only)
  • Form description

2 - Configuration

In the Configuration section, you can fill out:

  • the Types of Resources that will receive this form
  • the Agencies concerned by this form
  • the form recipient (Resources, Main Manager, HR Manager)
  • the mail object 
  • the mail message (with available variables)

3 - Add a question

After configuring your form as wished, you can create your form's questions. 

You have the possibility to choose if your question is optional or not by ticking the option.

You also have the possibility to choose the type of response you need, among the following options:

  • Long text
  • Barometer: emojis to mesure satisfaction
  • Unique choice: you create a few options as answers and the recipient can only choose one
  • Multiple choices: the recipient can choose multiple suggested answers
  • Number: answer with a numerical value (salary, rate out of 10 etc.)

 Good to know:

It is possible to choose the options' order by dragging and dropping them where needed. Of course, after you have confirmed your questions, you can get an overview and also choose the questions' order (drag and drop). DragandDropFormulaire.gif

All you have to do now is save your form. 😊

📤 Sending a form


In order to send a form, you need the access rights mentioned in the "Necessary access rights depending on usage > 2.1 and 3" section of this article.

Resources module > Resource card > Forms tab 

It is now time to send your form to your Resource. 😊

In the Resource card, you can now find the Forms tab. When clicking on the (+), you will then have the choice between all the available forms for this Resource.

Then, if needed, you can edit the email that will be sent to the Resource to customize it before clicking on Launch in order to send it.


 Good to know:

Enabling the option "I am the recipient of this form" allows the Manager to send the form to themselves in order to fill it in. The form can be found in their Resource card (your name > My profile > Forms tab) and in the Resource card associated with the form.

👀 Checking the results of a form


In order to send a form, you need the access rights mentioned in the "Necessary access rights depending on usage > 2.1 and 2.2" section of this article.

When the form is filled in and validated by the Resource, the manager who sent the form will receive an email notifying them about the form's validation. You can click on the link in this email or check the form's results in the related Resource card (Forms tab). 


 Good to know:

If you wish to let the Resource associated with this form check the results, you should enable, after validating your answers, "Allow the resources to view the responses". _EN_Autoriserlaressourceaconsulterformulairevalidation.png

No worries! 😊 If you forgot to enable the option, you can find it back in the description of the validated form.

⚙️ Necessary access rights depending on usage

1 - Necessary access rights to create/configure forms

Administration > Managers/Roles > Manager/Role card > Administration tab

When enabling the Forms module, you allow managers with this role to access to configuring forms.



Giving access to forms configuration will give your manager access to configuring, editing, reading and deleting forms. It is not possible to have these rights separately.

2 - Necessary access rights to see pending/completed forms of a resource

2.1 - Necessary access rights to see the "Forms" tab of a resource

Administration > Managers/Roles > Manager/Role card > Main modules tab > Resources configuration > Card section

If you wish to access forms and to send them from the Forms tab in a Resource card, you need to enable the reading rights of the Forms data group.


2.2 - Necessary access rights to see the list of sent forms and their results

Administration > Managers/Roles > Manager/Role card > Miscellaneous tab > Forms configuration 

Just like the Actions module, it is possible precisely adjust access rights to a card's forms. In order to simplify configuration, here's our recommendation:


  • Access : 
    • If the user can read the parent card -> Read
      • This allows your user to see the forms of a resource card as long as they have access to their "Forms" tab
    • The manager and his N-1 -> Read & Write
      • This allows your user to see and edit the forms that they or their N-1 created
  • Restriction
    • Our recommendation is to manage restrictions directly from the Resource module by disabling the "Forms" group data for certain types of resources for example (i.e. in order to prevent managers to see the forms associated with the staff cards/their colleagues' cards)

For more details on how to give access rights to cards, we invite you to check this article: Configuring access rights for cards of a module.

3 - Necessary access rights to send forms

Administration > Managers/Roles > Manager/Role card > Miscellaneous tab > Forms configuration  

In the Miscellaneous section of this configuration, you also have the possibility to select or deselect the right to create and/or delete forms in a Resource card.


⁉️ F.A.Q.

 What is the purpose of these forms?

These forms are mainly made for preparing annual interviews

 Is it possible to send a form to multiple people at once?

No, this feature has for purpose to be sent individually.

 I can only send forms to Resources?

Sending forms is indeed focused on Resources cards for now.

 Can I extract the forms' results?

There is no extraction feature for now.

 I want my manager to create forms in the Administration but I don't want them to be able to edit or delete other forms there.

Giving access to forms configuration will give your manager access to configuring, editing, reading and deleting forms. It is not possible to have these rights separately.

 Can these forms create Actions?

This feature is not linked to Actions. In a case where you are preparing annual interviews, you will still have to create actions in order to update your notifications.

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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