Managing billing intermediary

This feature allows you to gain visibility on your billing intermediary by mentioning them on your projects.


Creating an intermediary

You should create a billing intermediary in your CRM in order to be able to mention them in your project and order.

Creating a company 

You should create a company then associate a contact to it.




In order to quickly identify your intermediary, why not create a dedicated state?

Go to your Administration > Global settings in order to create a state called "Billing intermediary". 

If needed, do not hesitate to check this tutorial: Create a new company in the CRM

Creating new billing information

In order to link the intermediary's billing information, you should beforehand create it in their company card. 

It is very simple. To add them:

  1. Go to the company card in question
  2. Click on the "Billing" tab
  3. In the "Instructions" sub-tab: use the "+" icon to add new billing details, or the pen icon in order to edit already existing billing details. 




If no email is registered in the billing details, sending invoices through this means will be impossible.

Your intermediary was created! All that's left for you to do is add it in your project card.


Adding an intermediary in a project card 

The billing intermediary needs to be added in the related project card.

In the "Information" tab of your project 

You can, in each of your projects, add a billing intermediary in order for it to appear in your order as the company that will receive the invoice.


In Order cards

Once selected in your project, this billing intermediary will appear in the associated order.


What changes?

On the order, when a billing intermediary is mentioned on a project, the following information will be recovered from the billing intermediary's company card (not from the final client's card): 

  • Billing details (in the "Billing methods" section)
  • the recipient's VAT number (in the "Invoices PDF" section)
  • the provider's number (in the "Invoices PDF" section)


⁉️ F.A.Q.

 Can I extract a list of billing intermediaries that are associated to projects?

Today, it is not yet possible to do so. However, it is possible to create such a request through the ExtractBI app. Do not hesitate to contact our support team if you need further information on the subject.

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