With the arrival of Spring, the whole BoondManager team was committed to surpass themselves in order to offer you these new features you've all been waiting for. 

Happy Ice Hockey GIF by NHL

Navigation & collaboration

🔔 Brand new notification center

You've all been waiting for this and there it is! 🤩

This new feature allows you to centralize all notifications of each user (previously issued by email).

With the Notification Center, you'll be able to: 

  • Choose which notifications you wish to receive (and especially those you do not want to receive)
  • Configure where you want to receive them (web interface, email, mobile app)
  • Monitor the notification status (read/unread) in order not to miss anything


📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖

📑 A synoptic view of your candidates' cards 

Highly anticipated new feature 🥳.

This feature allows you to have a view that centralizes the important information of a candidate and therefore, to quickly view:

  • a candidate's essential information (contacts, managers...) ;

  • the last activity associated with them (actions) ;

  • a summary of their technical dossier (TD)

  • their CV

  • last positionings ;

  • etc.

Direct links to the elements/sub-elements were put in place in order to ensure you a fluid and quick navigation


📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖

🔬 A new search engine 

In order to facilitate your searches in the Candidates, Resources, CRM, Opportunities, Actions and Products modules.

This new engine allows you to quickly find: 

  • An action in which you mentioned a theme/word in particular
  • Candidats/Resources who could correspond to an opportunity
  • Opportunities that could correspond to a profile

All this thanks to little things that make a difference in keywords search: 

  • Indexation of words that are mentioned in attached documents
  • Operators for the experts: AND, OR, NOT, "", ()
  • Indexation of your standard references (ie. Activity areas, mastered tools, languages, etc.)


🔎 Filtering dynamically

In order to help you efficiently monitor your activity, two new dynamic filters are now provided to you.

New: Dynamic perimeters 

On the Perimeter filter, a new option is provided to you in order to allow you to have filtered views adapted to the user.

Adding this dynamic filter now allows you to filter on your agencies, your business units, your poles, your managers N-1 or even your data. Making your saved searches even more powerful.


New: Dynamic periods

In order to allow you to manage your filters with an operational views without modifying the period each month, especially when using saved searches, a new option now allows you to filter on a dynamic periods such as "this week", "this month", "this fiscal year" etc.


📱Mobile Apps: discussion threads

For mobile features, a new feature is now provided to you. You can now use Discussion threads for each card accessible on mobile. (Timesheets, Expenses & Absences, Candidates, Resources, Companies, Contacts, Opportunities and Actions).


HR management

🗓️ Viewing a planning for absences

This month, we also offer you this other amazing feature 🤗.

From now on, you have the possibility to view an absences planning. Very useful feature to, for instance, plan in advance leave periods

We have created a new Planning module that allows you to have a synoptic view of when your collaborators are on leave, when you go to the Absences view.


 Good to know

From the Planning module > Absences view, you have the possibility to view validated and unvalidated absences. If needed, a link allows you to access your collaborator's absences requests. 


📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖

🔖 Improving TD's reference tools

In order to improve your Technical Dossiers (TD) and their reference tools / professional experiences of your candidates, we have added: 

  • A few career related fields (title, company, start and end date, location, skills, description)
  • The possibility to sort them (drag & drop)

New standard fields

New standard fields are available to improve Technical Dossiers' reference tools.

From now on, you have the following fields available: 


  1. Title
  2. Company

  3. Location

  4. Start date and End date

  5. Skills 
  6. Description

 Good to know

Needless to say, these fields are usable in DocTemplates and offer you more options in structuring a technical dossier. 

Drag and drop for professional experiences

Another new feature is available for you to drag and drop in order to edit or update the order display of these experiences. 



Access rights and authorizations

⚙️ Restrictions on a card's state or type

Decide whether your users can view (from search) certain cards depending on their state or their type



Hide or view only

  • Candidates with an "Archived" or "Recruited" state
  • Resources with an "External Consultant" type 
  • Companies/Contacts with a "Provider" type 
  • etc.

See the full tutorial: "Configuring search rights for a module"

⚙️ Filter on managers of their business units 

To give even more purpose to Business Units and not to impede your users' perimeter filter with managers that do not concern them, we have added the "Manager of their Business Units" variable in the configuration of search filters

You can use this variable for your user to have, in the perimeter filter of this module, the possibility to filter data associated with one or more managers related to their Business Units.


See the full tutorial: "Configuring the access rights for cards of a module"

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Contact: (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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