To boost team building, we allow you to view and celebrate your company's important events.
You can choose to see and to be alerted when one of the following events comes:
- Birthdays
- Seniority (professional anniversaries)
- Collaborators' Arrivals
This article will guide you through installing, configuring and using this feature.
Celebration is installed by default!
You will find here the steps to reinstall the app if needed. Don't forget to edit the app's visibility as you wish.
Celebration is installed with default settings that you have the possibility to adapt as pleased. This way, you can set up alerts for each type of account: Intranet or Manager accounts.
To do so, go to:
Administration > Apps / Marketplace > Apps tabs> Celebrations > Configuration button
This view allows you to edit for each type of account, Visible celebrations, Applied Perimeter and Exclusions (when applicable).
Here's precisely how to set up depending on the type of account.
Possible settings for managers
Here are the settings you could choose for manager profiles:
- Choose by selecting whether your managers will be alerted and will have access to Birthdays, Seniorities and New Arrivals.
- This setting is common to all.
You can choose to remove these 3 events for some resources depending on their States.
By default, we recommend you to remove resources with an "Out" state. - The perimeter for managers depends on the perimeter configured in their roles for the search view in the Resource module.
If you need further help on the subject, please refer to the article on search rights. - In the same way, it is indeed the manager's perimeter on the search view of the Resource module that allows you to exclude or hide certain resources if needed.
Possible settings for intranet accounts
Here are the settings you could choose for intranet profiles:
- Choose by selecting whether your intranets will be alerted and will have access to Birthdays, Seniorities and New Arrivals. By default, we chose not to enable new arrivals for this type of account.
- By default, your intranet profiles have access to ressources of their agency.
You can choose to extend this perimeter to all agencies of your interface. - You can also exclude resources from celebrations seen by intranet profiles depending on types of resources (i.e. all types of resources that aren't "Internal Consultant")
You have 3 possibilities in order to have access to your celebrations: from the app, from the notification center and by email!
From the app:
To check and search for events to celebrate, go to:
Menu sidebar > Apps > Celebrations
From this module, you can easily view events:
- You can filter on different levels according to whether you have a manager or intranet account. A manager will be able to filter per "Perimeter", "Resources' states", "Type of resource" and "Period". An intranet account can only filter on "Resources' states" and "Period".
- You can find here the types of events for which you have access to, with lists according to the filter(s) you have on.
From the notification center
You now know that celebrations are accessible from the app but in order for you not to necessarily keep an eye on the app, we have also set up notifications for you to receive them in your notification center!
As a reminder, your notification center is accessible by clicking on the "bell" icon at the top right of your page on your interface.
You can then click on "Corporate life" to have access to the list of events!
Choose your Email or Notification alerts!
You can configure the types of reminders you will receive on a personal level (your own interface): these are called Reports.
In order to configure them, go to:
Menu sidebar > Apps > Celebrations > Configuration button (cogwheel)
There are 3 types of reports: "Daily", "Weekly" and "Monthly".
These 3 types of reports have already been pre-configured for you.
You can change them in order to narrow the results according to your personal needs, by clicking on the Configuration cogwheel next to each type.
- Here's the settings workflow of your report.
Once you've chosen the filters, you just need to click on "Confirm" to save. - Select the filters to apply for the chosen report.
A manager profile will be able to filter per "Perimeter", "Resources' states", "Type of resource" and "Period". An intranet profile will only be able to filter on "Resources' states" and "Period".
Enabling/Disabling a notification
You wish not to be alerted for one of the reports or maybe you wish to only be alerted by email? No problem!
Go to your notification center by click on the bell icon at the top of your page on your interface:
Then go to the bottom of the page to find these settings for each type of reports:
What can Intranet profiles filter on?
From their Celebration app, your Intranet profiles can only filter on the Type of Resource (Internal consultants, External etc.) depending on what perimeter you have configured for them (i.e. their agency) and on the Period.
Who's able to see a resource's age?
The Celebration app does not give information related to the age of a resource. You will be alerted that today is the birthday of a resource but you won't be notified with the birth year. Age stays confidential on this feature.
If you are notified for the birthday of a resource in your perimeter, you will however be able to click on their name to access their resource card to read more information if needed.
Can I have an individual configuration for a manager/intranet?
Default configuration is applied to all types of profiles (manager or intranet).
The Intranet or Manager profile user can afterwards filter and change their alerts.
For a Manager profile, their view corresponds to their access rights on the search view of the Resource module. You can also, if needed, hide resources depending on their type or states. This will, of course, impact the search view of the Resource module as a whole.
Can I customize the email that my resources will receive?
At the moment, it is not possible to customize the email that your resource will receive.
I do not want my Intranet profiles to have access to Celebrations!
No problem! All you need to do is edit the app's visibility! The 'Configuring an application' section in this article will guide you through changing these settings.
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :