Exporting your electronic invoices (Factur-X, CII)

In the context of the approaching widespread use of electronic invoicing in Europe, BoondManager allows you to download your invoices in an appropriate format (Factur-X or CII).


Electronic invoicing in France

Here's some context on electronic invoicing in Europe, more precisely France.

What is electronic invoicing? 

Electronic invoicing involves digitizing the exchange of invoices. In practical terms, instead of exchanging PDF documents by mail or email, clients and suppliers exchange invoicing elements in the form of data streams.

This transition, initiated since 2020, now makes electronic invoicing mandatory for all French companies subject to VAT, starting from:

  • September 1st, 2026,
    • invoice receipt for all companies
    • invoice issuance for large enterprises and intermediate-sized enterprises 
  • September 1st, 2027,
    • invoice issuance for small and medium-sized companies and micro-enterprises

Electronic invoicing: What changes?

Electronic invoices must incorporate organized information and cannot be presented in simple PDF format anymore. Companies will be required to exchange their electronic invoices through dedicated electronic invoicing intermediary platforms:

  • Public Invoicing Portal (Portail Public de Facturation or PPF)
  • Private Partner Dematerialization Platforms (Plateformes de Dématérialisation Partenaires privées or PDP)

In France, invoices must necessarily be in one of the following three formats: UBL, CII, or Factur-X.

BoondManager offers CII and Factur-X formats for export.

Your invoices will be ready to be submitted on these platforms.

For more information regarding the implementation of the reform, we invite you to consult articles from the French government such as:

Factur-X/CII : What is it?

The difference between the Factur-X and CII formats?

  • CII (Cross-Industry Invoice): a format based on XML with a highly structured international standard easily readable by computer systemstelechargement-1024x627.png
  • Factur-X: a hybrid format comprising the CII format along with a PDF format to facilitate everyday reading  1618821054989.png

Before exporting your invoices in these formats, there are some prerequisites.

Administrator's Side

 Activating the export of CII & Factur-X formats

By going to Administration > Global Settings > Billing tab > Other Settings section, you can enable the ability to download your invoices in CII and Factur-X formats on your interface

Activer coche admin 2.gif

Manager's Side

As mentioned earlier, Factur-X and CII formats are structured standards and therefore require specific information for reading in computer systems.

As an Invoicing Administrator, you will need to check certain points in your client's billing details before exporting your invoices:

  • VAT ID
  • Sending mode. (If the required sending mode for a client's invoices is Chorus Pro (French Public Invoicing Portal), you will be able to enter the legal entity's service code. Want to check if your client has a service code? Check the Directory of Public Structures.)

coordonées de factu.gif

   Good to know:

During our December 2023 update, your existing information on the Information tab of your CRM client will be automatically transferred to the billing details of these same clients.


If you use DocTemplates for your invoice templates, ensure that these elements (VAT ID, SIRET) are mentioned in your templates before generating them. You will find the corresponding variables in the DocTemplates article as well as in the FAQ section at the end of this article.


For sending to Chorus Pro, please be careful not to leave elements other than the SIRET number, VAT (etc.) on Boond before downloading your invoices.

Indeed, the Chorus Pro computer system will not be able to read this information and will reject your invoice.

Example : You wrote "SIRET: 123456789" in your "SIRET" fields on Boond. Please remove the "SIRET:" elements and leave only the corresponding number before downloading your invoice. 

Downloading your electronic invoices

Exporting an invoice individually

Billing module > Orders view > Order card

To download one of your invoices, you can go to the Billing module or the Billing tab of your project to open the relevant client order.

You will find the invoices related to your order.

Click on the invoice you want to download, then export the invoice by choosing one of the available formats:

  • PDF
  • Factur-X
  • CII

Exporter individuellement.gif


If you want to send your invoices from Boond using the Emailing app, the only format currently available for sending is the PDF format. The electronic formats CII and Factur-X are, for now, only intended for export.

For more information on sending invoices, we invite you to check our article on billing with our PostProduction app.

Bulk export of invoices

Billing module > Invoices view  

To download multiple invoices at once, the Invoices view in the Billing module is perfect for selecting invoices to export.

Once filtered, click on the selection tool and then on the Export button. You will have the option to download your invoices with or without their attachments in the available formats:

  • PDF
  • Factur-X
  • CII

You will find your exported invoices in the Download Center (as shown below).

Exporter en masse.gif


If you want to send your invoices from Boond using the Emailing app, the only format currently available for sending is the PDF format. The electronic formats CII and Factur-X are, for now, only intended for export.

For more information on sending invoices, we invite you to check our article on billing with our PostProduction app.

Use Case: Sending to Chorus Pro

As a reminder, Chorus Pro is the French public invoicing portal.

Once logged in to Chorus Pro

  • Go to the "Issued Invoices" tab
  • Then, to the "Submit Invoice" sub-tab
  • Follow our examples (GIFs below) and easily submit your formats (CII and Factur-X):

Submitting your CII-format invoice

Upload sur Chorus CII.gif

Submitting your Factur-X format invoice

Upload sur Chorus Factur-X.gif

Bulk submission of invoices

You can, of course, submit your invoices in bulk on Chorus Pro by choosing a ZIP file, downloaded on Boond, containing all your invoices. (See the "Downloading your electronic invoices" section above)

Upload sur Chorus en masse zip.gif

Where to find submitted invoices?

You will find the invoices you have submitted in the "Issued Invoices" tab > "Search" sub-tab.


Clicking the Search button without defining search criteria allows you to retrieve the list of all issued invoices.

Your invoice will transition to the "Submitted" status while Chorus Pro certifies that the invoice is properly integrated into its databases, and then it will move to the "Available to Recipient" status.

For more information on the life cycle of your invoices on Chorus Pro, we invite you to consult their article on the subject (Note: They have yet to translate it to English).

Retrouver les factures envoyés Chorus onglet Rechercher.gif

Rejected invoice? Where to find error messages and how to address them?

If you cannot find your invoice in the "Issued Invoices > Search" tab as mentioned above, your invoice may have been rejected and not issued. To check this, go to the "Data Flow Overview" tab.

After submitting your invoice, the information (data flow) should be "Integrated" into Chorus Pro's data. If not, you will find the "Rejected" status instead. This means that you did not properly qualify your Boond interface before downloading your invoice, and the Chorus Pro computer system does not recognize your information.

We invite you to reread the "Required" section of this article and ensure that your information is correct (VAT, SIRET, or even the invoice's reference number).

For example, Chorus Pro will reject invoices with the same reference as a previously submitted invoice.

Error messages can help you identify which information was not recognized by Chorus Pro so that you can review this information before downloading your invoice on BoondManager.

Erreurs upload chorus.gif


For sending to Chorus Pro, please be careful not to leave elements other than the SIRET number, VAT (etc.) on Boond before downloading your invoices.

Indeed, the Chorus Pro computer system will not be able to read this information and will reject your invoice.

Example : You wrote "SIRET: 123456789" in your "SIRET" fields on Boond. Please remove the "SIRET:" elements and leave only the corresponding number before downloading your invoice. 


 I can't find the download option for electronic formats.

If you only have the option to download your invoices in PDF format, it's because the export option for CII and Factur-X invoices has not been activated. Enable it in Administration > Global Settings > Billing tab > Other Settings section, or contact your Administrator.

 I feel like the SIRET number section is filled, but the invoice doesn't display it?

The SIRET number may have been entered in the Information tab of the Company card but not in the billing details of the Invoicing tab. Ensure that you provide the information in the billing details of your client.

  Why doesn't Chorus Pro recognize the SIRET/TVA number and reject my invoice?

For sending to Chorus Pro, please be careful not to leave elements other than the SIRET number, VAT (etc.) on Boond before downloading your invoices.

Indeed, the Chorus Pro computer system will not be able to read this information and will reject your invoice.

Example : You wrote "SIRET: 123456789" in your "SIRET" fields on Boond. Please remove the "SIRET:" elements and leave only the corresponding number before downloading your invoice. 

  Are there new DocTemplates variables with the planned updates for electronic invoicing?

Yes, following the implementation of Factur-X and CII formats on Boond (December 2023), we also have new DocTemplates variables:

  • On the invoice side:
    • $billingDetailVatNumber$ (VAT Number)
    • $billingDetailSiren$ (SIREN)
    • $billingDetailNic$ (NIC)
    • $billingDetailRegistrationNumber$ (SIRET)
    • $billingDetailNumber$ (Supplier Number)
    • $billingDetailSendingMode$ (Sending Mode)
  • On the order side:
    • $billingDetail.vatNumber$ (VAT Number)
    • $billingDetail.siren$ (SIREN)
    • $billingDetail.nic$ (NIC)
    • $billingDetail.registrationNumber$ (SIRET)
    • $billingDetail.number$ (Supplier Number)
    • $billingDetail.sendingMode$ (Sending Mode)

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Contact: (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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