This app allows you to modify the validation workflows for timesheets, expenses and absence requests.


Installation et configuration of the app

Administration > Apps/Marketplace > Marketplace tab > AnsweringValidator > Install



AnsweringValidators allows you to:

  • Change a manager for another one in a validation workflow

Example :
Manager A goes on holiday, and, you'd like Manager B to take care of his/her validation during his/her absence.
AnsweringValidators will automatically find all of the documents pending for Manager A's validation and all of the validation workflows where Manager A is present to replace him/her for Manager B.
When Manager A is back to work, you'll just need to cancel this temporary change.

Using the app

Apps > AnsweringValidator


  1. Click on the + button to "Create an answering machine"
  2. Select the manager to remplace
  3. Select the substitute
  4. Tick or not the box to send them an email and let them know about the change


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