This application, published by BoondManager, allows you to view your documents without needing to download them.
Installing the app
Administration > Apps / Marketplace > Marketplace tab > Viewer > [Install] button
Once installed, click on the button at the top right of the page to make the application accessible to all your managers and resources.
This application requires being defined as a "Viewer" API for each manager account from your administration interface. You must then ensure that the App is considered as a default viewer in the desired manager roles.
Manager interface > any attached document
Simply click on an attachment to view it on your screen, then you can decide whether to download it or not.
Good to know: In the Candidates and Resources modules, you have a "Resume" column allowing you to directly click and view the profile's CV directly from the list of results (as shown below).
But you can, of course, click on any card of the desired module to open the available attached documents:
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