Emailing : send emails via BoondManager

Emailing offers you several interesting features:

  • Send PUSH to your CRM contacts containing your resources & candidates' CVs, using a customised template and saving the email sent as an action in BoondManager
  • Send MESSAGES to your CRM contacts, resources & candidates, using a customised template and saving the email sent as an action in BoondManager
  • Send INVOICES to your CRM contacts in bulk or individually


Installing and configuring Emailing 

This part requires to have an Administrator account  and allows you to install and set up the app. Each manager will then be able to customise his/her own Emailing account (to do so, please refer to the section "customise Emailing from a manager account")

Install Emailing and activate it to the relevant managers

To install Emailing, go to the MarketPlace from the Administrator interface, search for the app and click on "install". 


Then go to the Managers/Roles module to activate the app for the managers who will be using it. To do so, you can filter per "Role" and go down to the app section to tick the relevant box.

Attention : the Emailing app has got advanced settings, the emailing option is normally selected by default, it's important to leave it that way (or change it if not selected)


Then, the rest of the configuration depends on the your mailing provider : Gmail, Outlook 365 or OVH for instance. 

Gmail Office 365 Exchange par OVH Messagerie OVH 

Configure your Gmail account  

If you have a Gmail account, then it won't be necessary to go to the Administrator interface to set up the Emailing app. You just need to select Gmail in the Provider type field.


You can directly go to your Manager interface, click on Apps > Emailing and on the right in the provider settings section: 


  • Choose the provider type: Gmail 
  • Click on the Synchronise button
  • Let you guide through and allow Boond to send emails via your Gmail account

When everything goes green, you're all set!  


However, if the synchronisation fails and that a red error message shows up, contact the support.

Creating your own templates 

Congratulations, your configuration is complete! You can now create templates for all your types of messages to make the most of Emailing.

No matter the provider, email templates are to be configured from your Emailing app and can be shared with anyone you want in order to have common templates, team templates, or personal templates.

Creating an email template

The types of templates allow you to:

  • Push CV 
  • Communicate en masse or individually with your Resources or Candidates
  • Follow up en masse or individually with your employees for entering their time and expenses
  • Communicate en masse with your CRM contacts
  • Send your invoices or quotes en masse or individually

To do this, simply access it by clicking on the Apps icon (at the top left of your interface) to open Emailing or by adding the app to your menu bar for quick access.

You can then:

  1. Click on the [+] button to create a new template.
  2. Indicate the title of your template.
  3. Indicate the type of template so that the tool recognizes which templates to use.
  4. Indicate a default email subject (Object) to use for the mailings.
    You can insert variables by first integrating them into the body of the email and then copying/pasting them.
  5. For sending invoices or quotes, you can indicate an automatic change of the state of the card after sending.
  6. Write your message in the body of the email using the "Merge Fields" variables to personalize your message with the salutation and name of your contact, for example. Feel free to use formatting for more original emails.
  7. Don’t forget to choose who can use this template by selecting concerned collaborators in "Share with".  Sharing is what defines a common template for your interface or a team or personal template.
  8. Save your template.

Adding a default signature

Your signature is also an important element of your emailing, another personal touch representing your company.

We offer you the possibility to add a signature that will be used by default, in the relevant section.

You have the choice here to create your own signature or make a more general one using variables:

  • To create your own signature, go to the Emailing app and change your signature in the section of the same name.
  • However, if you want to create a common signature for your employees, go to Administration > Apps/Marketplace > Emailing > Configuration button, to create a default signature for Emailing users on your interface.

By clicking on the "Fields" button, you will find variables allowing you to use, for example, the first and last name of the user sending the email. Thanks to these variables, the signature will adapt according to the fields filled in the "My profile" tab of each manager using Emailing.

You can also insert your logo into your signature using a web link.


Copy/paste your link and set the dimensions (e.g. 150x120).


Of course, you can modify your templates and signatures as much as you want afterwards. 😉

Customizing Emailing from a Manager account 

You have the possibility to customise the provider settings as well as the signature.

For Outlook and OVH

By default, the tool will reuse the configuration done by the administrator and will send emails from the configured email address. Consequently, we recommend customising each user's account with their own information. To do so, here is the path to follow for Outlook and OVH:


Be careful and reuse the same SMTP server URL as in the default settings.

If you had to generate a app password when doing the admin settings, your manager will have to do it the same way.

Also, your manager can decide to use the default signature (if you have used the variables in the admin settings) or to customise it.

To do so, you just need to click on Edit and on "Custom signature". When done, do not forget to click on "Lock". 

For Gmail

For Gmail, you will need to select Gmail in the list of provider types and then click on Synchronise.


And let you guide through until the end of the process. 

Pushing CVs 

Now that you've configured your templates, you're ready to send your first emailing and pushes. To do so, there are two possible options.  

From a candidate or a resource 

Go to the Candidates or Resources module and select the candidate(s)/resource(s) you'd like to share the CVs of with your contact(s).


You just need to to follow the workflow: 

  1. Select the sending type: Push of resumes
  2. Do check the profiles you have selected, you can still remove some or add more
  3. Click on "contacts" and the tool will redirect you to the CRM module > Contacts view to select the recipients of your emailig
  4. Once you're ready, click on "continue"

From the CRM 

From the CRM module > contact view, use the different filters to only see the contacts you're looking for. Select them and and click on the emailing icon (envelope) Bouton_Emailing.png.

The sending workflow will show up, you just need to choose the sending type: 
- Simple message
- Push of resumes

In the case of the a simple message, you just need to click on continue.
In the case of a push of resumes, you will need to click on Candidates or Resources to go search for the profiles you'd like to share the CVs of. Then just follow the workflow.


Final sending

Vous will then be redirected to the sending page of Emailing, a green message will indicate you that your connexion to the supplier is operational. Here you can:


  1. Select the mail(s) of your CRM contact(s) you'd like to send the profile to (up to 3 mails per contact)
  2. Choose the attachment(s) linked to your candidate/resource to be shared (normally his/her anonymous CV) 
  3. Choose the template you'd like to use 
  4. If need be: modify the subject and the body of the email before sending

Once everything has been checked, you just need to click on the green arrow shaped envelope to send your emailing capture_emailing_envoi_.png 

Sending invoices 

Are you tired of sending your invoices one by one? We have a solution for you!

From now on, with the Emailing app, you can bulk send your invoices to make your life easier :)

To use this feature, you need to:

      • Have followed the previous steps (configuration, templates)

      • Go to the Billing module, filter to view the relevant invoices, and select the ones you'd like to send through the emailing app and click on the Emailing icon.

You can select up to 3 different recipients, beforehand you'll need to key in the email addresses in the client's billing details.

If you have several invoices for the same clients, the tool will send one email per invoice. For now, it is not possible gather all of the invoices within one single email.

To go further

You can decide, in the settings of your client orders, to attach to the invoices your resources' signed timesheets. If you'd like to find out more about this feature, you can have a look at this tutorial: Collect the signed timesheets and attach them to the invoices.

Communicating in bulk with your resources 

To finish with, Emailing also allows you to send simple messages to your resources. Therefore, it's a good way to communicate useful information!


To use this feature, you'll need to :

      • Have followed the previous steps (configuration, templates)

      • Go to the Resources module, filter to view the resources you'd like to send a message to and then click on the Emailing icon.

Tip : if you bulk active the intranets through the IntranetAccount app, you can create a template to share everyone their access. To do so, you have to make sure that all of the resources' email1 are used as their login to retrieve the right information via the variable in your template.
If you need further assistance about this subject, feel free to get in touch with our support team.


Sharing your email templates

This feature allows you to share your email templates with your manager colleagues.

Apps > Emailing



Administration > Managers / Roles > Roles tab > role card in question

Beforehand, you need to configure rights related to Sharing / Collaboration:

  • determine what your collaborator will see in the search list, 
  • authorize them to share their saved searches, actions templates and email templates. 


If necessary, don't hesitate to check our tutorial Creating and configuring a role

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Tel : (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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