🤝 Full Recruitment Guide: Mastering Recruitment on Boondmanager

In this article, we will provide you with tutorials and webinars that will allow you to perfectly manage your recruitment.


If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to get support from our coaches and ask for a training budget tailored to your needs.

📞 Contact info available here! 📞


📇 Creating your candidates

You have three options.

From LinkedIn

If you use Chrome or Firefox, we recommend installing the LinkedIn extension to create your candidates directly from this platform.

📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖 

From a resume (CV)

If you have your candidates' CVs, you can parse the document to create your candidate's card.

📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖 

Via import

If you have a large volume of data that is usable, then I invite you to use the import function.

📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖  

📝 Qualifying your Candidate cards

Information tab

From this tab, you can update the candidate's personal information.

 Good to know

If you want to benefit from BoondSuggests, it's important to qualify your candidates' Type.

If needed, you can configure the default Type of your candidates by going to Administration > Legal Agencies > your agency > HR Data tab.

Administrative tab

Once you know your candidate's salary expectations, you can then create a proposed contract for them to estimate their Average Daily Cost (ADC).

This information will automatically be retrieved on the positioning and allow you to estimate your margin and profitability.

New contract for candidate.gif

TD tab

This tab will be pre-filled with information from LinkedIn or the candidate's CV you parsed. It also allows you to list the candidate's experiences but also to complete certain fields (Experience, Tools, Activity & Expertise areas) manually to more efficiently search Candidates and benefit from BoondSuggests.

Actions tab

Creating actions is essential for documenting your exchanges/interviews.

  • Reminder / To do for upcoming actions
  • Once the action is completed, choose the correct type: important for metrics and KPIs
  • Create a reminder directly from the action using the quick save button
  • Use the available action templates
  • Share the action with managers if necessary

Create action and share.gif

Positionings tab

In this tab, you will find the list of positionings your candidate has been placed in. (As a reminder, positionings are when you suggest your candidate for a business opportunity, as a potential collaborator assigned on a mission at your client's company.) 

Capture d’écran 2024-04-23 à 16.58.15.png

🔎 Finding the right profiles

BoondManager assists you in finding the right profiles to position on your business opportunities. For this, you have the possibility to:

  • filter candidates based on their Activity areas, Mobility etc.
  • refine your search and only perform it on the information from the TD tab, by clicking on the magnifying glass
  • configure the columns of the Candidate module
  • perform saved searches with the possibility of sharing them and saving desired views (choice of columns and display: Kanban or list)
  • analyze profiles more quickly, once a selection of candidates is made through filters, by:
    • switching from one profile to another using the navigation arrows,
    • and using the Overview tab.

Focus on the Overview tab

This tab allows you to benefit from a global, quick, and synthetic view of your candidate's card.

When your mouse hovers over the section, a link for editing / creating appears so that you can, with 1 click, make the necessary modifications.

Everything is accessible:

  • Editing information (clicking on the links that appear when hovering)
  • Creating / editing an action
  • Sending an email to the candidate
  • Creating a positioning

Edit from Overview tab.gif

For actions and positionings, you can not only modify an existing action/positioning in 1 click but also create a new action or positioning for your candidate from the Overview tab.

 Good to know

It is possible to modify the state of the card without going to the Information tab 🥳

Focus on the Actions section

This Actions section indicates to you:

Capture d’écran 2024-04-23 à 17.03.13.png

  1. The 4 most frequent types of actions
  2. The last 4 actions created
  3. An indication of the "age" of the action (when the age indication is displayed in green, it is an upcoming action)

You can create a new action directly, without even leaving the Overview tab. The action creation window opens in the foreground, so you can stay on this tab once the action is closed.

You can continue to enter actions while viewing a summarized presentation of the candidate's information.

Creating an action in overview tab.gif

📨 Communicating with your candidates

BoondManager will simplify your communication with your candidates.

For this:  

  • synchronize your account with Emailing to be able to: 
    • send emails and keep them logged in your candidate's card
    • modify the state of cards following message sending/CV push,
    • and create your email templates and share them with your colleagues.

      Sending email template.gif

  • use the Microsoft / Gmail add-on to archive your received emails directly in Boond
  • install the BoondManager mobile app to:
    • benefit from phone number recognition,
    • not waste a minute document your appointments,
    • manage your activity in real time with your dashboards etc.
📈 Monitoring your recruitment activity

To track your activity, several functionalities, listed below, will be useful to you:

  • check your Alerts at the end of the day to ensure you have processed your to-do list
  • archive your email exchanges with your candidates/contacts thanks to Microsoft / Gmail
  • view where your candidates are in their recruitment process:
    • thanks to the KANBAN view of the Candidates module, for profile-based recruitment processes
    • thanks to the KANBAN view of the Positionings module, for project-based recruitment processes
  • use the Reporting module > Synthesis - Recruitment view
  • last but not least: Configure your Dashboards with the perfect dashboard for Recruitment teams. 😉 

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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