If your business involves managing exceptional activities, you have probably wondered, "How do I handle this in BoondManager?" We've thought of you, so here's a simple tutorial that will explain how to manage it best according to your needs and your business.
Don't forget to activate "Exceptional Activity configuration" in your Administration's Legal Agency. You will find that option to enable in two tabs: Administration > Legal Agencies > your legal agency > HR data tab > Settings section AND Advanced settings tab > Deliveries section.
Administration > Legal Agencies section> your legal agency> Activities & expenses tab> Timesheets work unit types section
In this section, you define the types of units of work that the collaborators of this agency can use when submitting their timesheets. Here, we will focus only on Exceptional Activity. If you have questions about other types of units of work, please contact your BoondManager representative.
Note: If you no longer wish to use a type of unit of work, you can make it non-visible by archiving it and thus keep the history of already entered data.
To declare Exceptional Activity (E.A.), you must add the types of E.A. that you want to track in the tool. There are two types of exceptional activities:
- Exceptional Activity - Time zone: measured in hours
(e.g., Overtime, Interventions) - Exceptional Activity - Calendar zone: measured in days
(e.g., On-call shifts)
If you do not differentiate between various types of Overtime (weekday overtime between 6 am and 10 pm, weekend overtime, etc.) or On-call shifts (weekday on-call shifts, weekend on-call shifts), then do not complicate the entry for your users and only provide one "Overtime" type and one "On-call shifts" type.
However, if you invoice differently for weekday overtime compared to Sunday, holidays, etc., you will save time by entering multiple types of E.A. as shown below:
Don't forget to save your entry and replicate it in the other relevant legal agencies.
If you wish to perform analytics for your invoices, then this section is designed for you. But don't worry, if you do not follow it, it won't block the possibility of invoicing later!
Administration > Legal agencies section > your legal agency > Billing tab > Invoices record types section
Add an invoice record type titled "Exceptional" and link it to the different corresponding unit of work categories. Don't forget to save and do the same for the other agencies. But do not duplicate this tab to other agencies; you may risk erasing your various invoice templates and payment conditions!
Administration > Resources module> resource card > Configuration
Just because you've defined types of Exceptional Activity doesn't mean all your resources can declare overtime or other exceptional activities! It would quickly become unmanageable if that were the case.
For a resource to be able to declare exceptional activity, you need to authorize it by going to their resource card and then to Configuration (cogwheel):
In the Advanced Configuration section, you will find a field for entering exceptional activity.
You can then choose from the following options:
- Not allowed: The resource cannot enter exceptional activity.
- Allowed with recovery: The resource can enter exceptional activity AND indicate if they want to use their compensatory time off or compensation*
- Allowed without recovery: The resource can enter exceptional activity but cannot request compensatory time off or compensation*
* Requesting recovery (compensatory time off or compensation) does not trigger any process; it simply lets you know that this resource wants to recover (what type of recovery? That's for you to determine. If you have no idea, then choose Allowed without recovery.)
Don't forget to save once you've made the change!
Your resource, now authorized to record exceptional activity, will enter their production from their intranet account for their mission(s) in Normal and Exceptional Activity before submitting their Timesheet to their manager.
As a manager, you can also enter, on behalf of your consultant, their exceptional activity for the chosen month -> Resources module > resource card > Timesheets tab
Or, to declare your own exceptional activity, go to My Profile and then to the Timesheets tab, and click on the timesheet for the relevant month.
The process is very similar to the entry of normal activity but takes place in the Exceptional Activity section.
Note: If you don't see the Exceptional Activity section, repeat step 3, as it means the resource in question is not authorized to enter exceptional activity (hence why you can't see the section).
In this section, you just need to:
- Add a row by clicking on +
- Choisir le type d'AE Choose the type of E.A. (be sure to choose the correct type if there are multiple defined variants of exceptional activity)
- Enter a description
- If the exceptional activity is of the "Calendar zone" type, then you must choose the start date and end date
- If the exceptional activity is of the "Time zone" type, then you must choose the day and the hours of start and end
Repeat this step as necessary, then save!
You will then see (at the bottom of the page) the totals sorted by slot (Time & Calendar).
If you bill on a time and materials basis monthly (Delegation of skills project on the tool), when you generate your monthly invoice and exceptional activity has been declared, you may see lines created as follows:
In the Details section, you can see the breakdown of the activity declared by your resource and, consequently, the breakdown by type of exceptional activity - hence the interest in declaring multiple types of exceptional activity if your billing differs based on certain parameters (hours, days, etc.).
You then only need to use the information in the Details table to fill in the values for the Rate (E.T.) and Quantity columns. Feel free to modify the item description if necessary.
Good to know
[COMING SOON] You can choose to invoice exceptional activity on a separate invoice from that of normal activity. To do this, in the order, make sure you have checked the "Create a separate invoice for exceptional activity" box in the Monthly Invoice Settings.
In cases where your business involves managing a significant volume of exceptional activities, automating the calculation of invoicing for these activities can be beneficial. Moreover, if you desire to automate the allocation of benefits to your resources based on the performed Exceptional Activity, then the ExceptionalActivity app is designed for you!
If you're ready to take this step, visit the corresponding article to explore its features and install it!
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :