On every single card, the Share button allows you to send an email to the selected manager(s) to invite them to check the related card. The goal being improving performance with this collaborative feature.

Warning: If the manager doesn't have the right access for it, they will not be able to consult the shared card.


Sharing a card

From any module/card, click on the Share button.


You will then have the possibility to select the recipient(s).


When sending the email, the page's url link is sent and you have the possibility to edit the email's message.

Good to know:

For each card shared, it is possible to configure a default message template and the information included, from the Administration > Global Settings > Share tab. If needed, please contact your BoondManager administrator. 

Sharing an action

Actions tab of a card

Two possibilities: 

  1. When saving
  2. Once the action is saved


Creating predefined groups of recipients

Creating predefined groups of recipients can be done from the sharing page. 

You can then click on Manage predefined groups.


You will then have the possibility to configure different groups by clicking on Add a row.


  1. Give a name to your group 
  2. Choose who are part of this group

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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