This tutoriel aims at helping you create and configure your manager accounts.
What does a manager account imply?
- this is a "Resource++" who has more or less extended rights in the tool
- a manager can access different modules that you activate on your interface (Candidates, Resources, CRM, Opportunities, Projects, Billing...)
As a reminder, a Resource with an intranet only uses BoondManager to:
- declare / validate timesheets,
- declare / validate expenses,
- declare / validate absence requests,
- have a look at the absence balances (if they are being used and been made visible),
- have a "non-financial" view of some projects if they've been declared as "Project managers"
It is very important to properly set up your managers rights to make sure they can access the right data and not see the critical ones.
Creating the manager
Administration > Managers / Roles > + button
You have two options:
- Manually create the manager account if it does not exist in the resources module yet
- Create it from a resource card if the person already exists in the data base
General information
- Last Name
- First Name
- Email n°1 (ideally the manager's professional email)
- The Login (you can reuse the email 1 or anything else compliant to your nomenclature) and a default password (the manager will then be able to amend it)
- The main function in the company
- The Main Manager (line manager)
Global settings
- The absolute rights
The first two lines represent the absolute rights of reading/editing on all group data or on all the manager's BUs or poles.
When you activate this, the manager will have no restriction and can read and edit all of the data in his/her perimeter.
- The access keys
These three keys enable the Manager to filter his/her search per perimeter (he/she then sees the list of all managers, legal agencies and/or poles of the group) and to reassign cards to other managers (depending on the rights defined in each module).
Modules settings
- The Activate button: allows you to choose the modules the manager will have access to
- The Access column (Perimeter/Type): allows you to define the access perimeter to the modules data (e.g: all group or just personal data) and the access type, Reading/Editing rights on the data the manager is responsible for only (Simple) or on all the data in the given perimeter (Extended)
- The Accessible view and authorizations column: allows you to define for some modules some additional restrictions and give the possibility or not to delete, extract, export, reassign...
Resources module
Access (Perimeter / Type) :
- Choice of the perimeter option
- Difference between Simple and Extended:
- Simple: the Manager will be able to open resources cards and read the contained data without being able to modify it if he/she is not the resource's Main Manager. Then, he has a reading access of all resources within his/her perimeter.
- Extended: the Manager will be able to open and modify the resources cards even he/she is not declared as the main manager. Then, he has a reading and editing right of all of the resources within his/her perimeter.
Accessible views and authorizations:
- Actions tab: allows the manager to see and create actions on all the resources he's been given access to, within his/her perimeter
- Administrative data: by activating this option, the manager will be given access to the HR contracts and the information contained in it (including the salary). If the editing right is granted, the manager will also be able to modify the administrative data, within his/her perimeter.
Good to know:
Even if you've given the Reading/Editing right on the administrative data, the manager won't be able to see the "Administrative" tab of other managers higher in the hierarchy! Unless you've granted the "Absolute right of reading/editing on all group data".
Projects module
Granting the right Reading/editing Administrative data will give the possibility to your Manager to see the Delivery ADC calculation method on every delivery card. Therefore, he/she will be able to see the resource's monthly salary.
- With a Simple access type, the manager will be able to access all of the cards within his/her perimeter but will only be able to edit the ones he's responsible for.
- With an Extended access type, the manager will be able to access all of the cards within his/her perimeter and will be able to modify the accessible data (deliveries, durations, daily sales charge, ...).
Accessible views and authorizations:
- Extraction: will allow the manager to extract on Excel the detail of all the accessible cards
- Assignment: will allow the manager to modify the following fields - Main Manager, Agency and Pole. By default, if the manager has the right to reassign, he/she can modify:
- Main Manager: she/she can reassign the card to one of the other managers (lower in the hierarchy). If you wish the manager to be able to reassign the card to any of the group managers, you need to grant the Assignment right in Access to group manager (Global settings section).
- Agency : the manager can reassign the card to one of his/her agencies (main or secondary). If you wish the manager to be able to to reassign the card to any of the legal agencies, you need to grant the Assignment right in Access to group agencies (Global settings section).
- Pole: the manager can reassign the card to one of his/her poles (main or secondary). If you wish the manager to be able to reassign the card to any of the group poles, you need to grant the Assignment right in Access to group poles (Global settings section).
- Deletion: this feature allows the manager to delete the data in the different modules
- Creation date alterable: gives the right to amend the project creation date
You have the possibility to configure the Dashboard by adding/removing some graphs depending on the managers' profiles.
You can choose the apps the manager will be given access to. Beware, some Apps have advanced settings to be activated for them to work.
Just in case:
For any questions related to the installation and configuration of apps, you can have a look at the following tutorial: Comment installer et configurer une App ?
Creating Roles will enable you to create standard rights and permissions (for assistants, sales people, directors,...) with access types depending on the managers responsibilities. This will help you save time when you have several managers with the same function as you will no longer need to configure each manager individually.
You will have to create the role either from the Manager card:
Or from the Managers/roles > select the Roles tab > and click on the + button
And then create the role based on all of the information given in this tutorial.
Finally, assign the role to the manager by going back to his/her manager card and selecting it from the dropdown:
Administration > Managers / Roles > Managers tab
From the list of managers accounts
You can activate your Manager by modifying the manager state.
It is very important to think of logging on as the manager you're activating. This way you can double check the appropriate rights and permissions have been granted.
To do so, you can click on the following icon at the end of each manager line:
From the manager card
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :