After the rush of returning to work following the end-of-year holidays 😮‍💨, here's a bit of comfort with new features that will make your life easier 🫶🏻.


Customization & Processes

🔔 Alert feature revamp

Today, your various "alert" cards are listed in a dedicated tab on your dashboard.

You can also receive a daily and weekly report listing these alerts.

To make this view even more efficient, the following changes have been put into effect:

  • Making more alerts accessible and configurable based on the search filters of the modules (such as "Being alerted about CRM companies in such state(s) without action of type(s) Y for more than X days")
  • Allowing users to modify, add, and delete alerts preconfigured by the administrator


📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖

📑 Forms - text formatting your response

You have an incoming personal interview and you need to fill out questions about encountered difficulties, positive points, and achieving your goals? 🫣 This new feature should please you.

Format your responses (bold, bullet lists, etc.) to make them structured and easier to read not only by you but also by your manager 👌.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-12 à 23.34.39.png

Ergonomics & Browsing

⚙️ Quickly accessing your modules and apps

This feature will allow you to access modules/apps not added to your menu bar at any time. 👨🏻‍💻

This quick access will be available anytime from your menu bar. 🚀

You can optimize your menu bar by only adding the modules/apps you regularly use while also accessing others quickly from the quick access button.  🧘🏼‍♀️


📖 Link to the dedicated tutorial 📖

📆 Planning/Absences: view today's date

🕘 Imagine yourself looking at your Planning module, and suddenly your eyes catch something immediately: today's date!

⭐️ No more confusion, no more tedious searches, our plannings give you essential information effortlessly.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-12 à 23.42.17.png


🧾 Retrieving "Additional Turnover" when creating schedules

Are you used to using Additional turnover for fixed-price projects? 📈

This feature will save you time every month when creating your billing schedules! ⏱️

No more wasting time creating schedules manually, Boond automatically incorporates the segments of the additional revenue provided in your project. ✅


✏️ Mass modifying your orders' states

Keep your orders up to date more easily (and quickly ⚡) by mass modifying their states from the search view.



Activities & Expenses

Capture d’écran 2024-01-25 à 15.00.34.pngFiltering on the state of expense notes

🔍 Quickly identify expenses to be paid thanks to the new filter on the payment state of your expense notes!



Mass validating timesheets and absence requests

🕰️ No more wasting time approving your timesheets and leave requests one by one, welcome to the era of mass validation!

With a simple click, you can now approve all your timesheets and leave requests in one go. No more repetitive tasks!


📌 Getting notified when leaving the page without validating your absence request

Have you ever approached your day off wondering why you haven't yet received a notification that your leave request was approved by your manager?

Alas, you check your leave request and realize that... you never submitted it. Awkward, isn't it?

Well, say goodbye to forgetfulness, BoondManager will act as your virtual guardian by alerting you if you've entered a leave request without submitting it for approval!

Capture d’écran 2024-02-15 à 15.18.30.png

Other new features

Capture d’écran 2024-01-25 à 15.00.34.png Filtering opportunities on closure dates

Want to better prioritize your opportunities? This feature is for you! 🤩

Gain efficiency in tracking your opportunities by filtering them based on their "Closure date". 🔎

Capture d’écran 2024-02-09 à 14.19.59.png

📱 Mobile app - viewing the absence planning

After its release on Boond's web version, Planning is now out on your mobile app

🤓 No more searching in your list of absence requests!

🚀 Instantly get a clear and stylish view of everyone's days off!

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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