The "Products" module allows you to manage your product catalog, whether they are sold individually or on a subscription basis.
It enables you to visualize all your products as well as the Opportunities and Projects associated with them. You can assign your products to Opportunities and then switch them to sales Projects. From a sales Project for products, you can formalize your orders and track your invoicing.
Products > [+] button
- On the Product card, fill in the name, reference, state (current or archived), and complete description of the product
- Provide the type (one-time or subscription frequency) and the price of the product in the Additional information section
- Click on the "Save" button or press the "Enter" key on your keyboard
Creating the opportunity
CRM > Contact card > Opportunities tab
- Make sure you have created your Product card from the Products module (if not, please refer to the previous chapter on Creating a Product)
- Go to the CRM contact card concerned by the opportunity, navigate to the Opportunities tab, and click on the "Create an opportunity" button
Qualifying the opportunity
Opportunities > Opportunity card > Information tab
We recommend you to, first and foremost, fill in the:
- Type
- Name
- State
- Description
- Make sure to provide all useful information related to the identified opportunity (state, origin, duration, expected turnover, etc.)
- Schedule a "Reminder" action to ensure proper follow-up of the opportunity (cf. Managing your actions and reminders)
Opportunities > Opportunities card > Positionings tab
Now position your product on your sales opportunity.
By clicking on the "Create a positioning" button, a pop-up window appears.
It allows you to assign the product to your opportunity. All that's left for you to do is select the desired product and add it to your positioning.
Qualifying the project's general information
Projects > Project card > Information tab
- Provide the project reference
- If required, add necessary documents as attachments
Qualifying the Product card(s) in the project
If this is the sale of an individual product
Projects > Project card > Deliveries tab > Delivery card
- Provide the sales date
- Enter the unit sale price
- Specify the quantity sold
- If needed, you can add a title to this delivery
If this is the sale of a product with a subscription
Projects > Project > Deliveries tab > Delivery tab
- Specify the subscription dates and save; the tool will suggest a quantity to be billed based on the specified period and type of subscription of the product sold. If this product is originally categorized as sold "monthly", the tool will suggest 12 as the quantity.
- Enter the unit sale price
- Specify the number of months/quarters/semesters/years sold
- If needed, you can add a title to this delivery
To generate invoices on BoondManager, it is necessary to first create the client's order, which will allow you to prepare/automate the generation of your invoices. The order is, in a way, the "digital contract" on BoondManager.
Creating an order
Projects > Project card > Deliveries tab
After qualifying your sales project:
- Select the delivery(ies) that you want to associate with your order
- Click on "Create order"
Qualifying the order
Projects > Project card > Billing tab
- Fill in the order number, either the order number transmitted by your client or your internal reference if the client does not provide an order reference
- IMPORTANT: "Order Turnover" (i.e., the amount of the order). By default, the tool will take the signed turnover provided on the Delivery cards correlated to the order. It is important to fill in this field accurately to obtain a billing delta between the order and what you have invoiced.
- Check or uncheck the "Receipt of client agreement" box to indicate that you have received the official document formalizing the client's agreement. From the Billing module > Orders view, you will be able to have a quick view on which orders received their related client's agreement.
- Verify the payment terms
- Check the billing details. If no billing address is suggested in the "Billing methods" section, it means that you have not provided a billing address on the company card of the concerned client (cf. Displaying your client's address on invoices).
IMPORTANT: : "Billing type" : Schedule or Monthly. By default, the tool will suggest to select:
- "Schedule" for the sale of an individual product and on annual, semi-annual, and quarterly subscriptions. With this billing type, you must define the different billing schedules (date, title, and amount).
- "Monthly" for the sale of a product on a monthly subscription. With this billing type, the tool will suggest to create invoices for each of the months of the subscription period. => It is possible to manually change the "billing type."
Once the order is saved, you can attach documents that are useful to attach, for example, the signed order.
In case of need:
You can refer to the tutorial on Managing orders.
Afin de vous faciliter la création de vos commandes, vous pouvez configurer depuis l'interface Administrateur votre commande par défaut (les mentions légales types à afficher, les conditions de règlement type, les coordonnées bancaires...) : Interface Administrateur > rubrique Agences Juridiques > Agence Juridique concernée > onglet "Facturation" ! To facilitate the creation of your orders, you can configure your default order from the Administration (such as the types of legal notices to display, the types of payment terms, bank details...): Administration > Legal Agencies section > concerned Legal Agency > Billing tab!
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