For your resources to be able to submit their timesheets, expenses and absences, you need to give them access to an intranet account. This tutorial guides you through these steps.
Carefully filling in the resource card
Before activating a resource's intranet on BoondManager, please make sure that:
- an email address was entered in the "Email 1" field of the resource card. This email will be used for emailings, approval or refusal of timesheets, expenses and absence requests . Make sure this email is being used by the resource!
Resources > Resource card > Information tab > "Email 1" field
- you have added contractual data (contract type, start date, salary, expenses...). If you have not done it yet, click on the "+ Add a contract" button and fill in all fields.
It's very important to fill in every contractual data as they will be used to calculate the Contract's Average Daily Cost (Contract ADC) which you will need to calculate the average daily cost of your Resource on opportunities and projects.
Resources > Resource card > Administrative tab > Add a contract button
( You can also consult our article: Create a resource from A to Z)Assigning projects to your resources
- Your resource must be assigned to their ongoing projects so that they can report their time and expenses related to that project. A resource can be assigned to several (part-time) projects at the same time.
To do so, open the relevant project(s) to assign resources.
Project > Project card > Deliveries tab > Click on the + button > Select the resource
To check that your resources have been assigned to a project, use Production plans in the Planning module!
Configuring the Administration
To do this part, you need to have an administrator access.
From the Administration > Legal agencies > your agency > Activities & expenses tab, you can set up:
- A date for daily reminders sent to resources to remind them to submit their Timesheets and/or Expenses of the month
- Validation workflow for timesheets & expenses (and further down the page for absence requests). Each time, you can select one of several managers to build the workflow.
- Timesheets work unit types and Expenses types which resources will be able to use on their timesheets and expenses
- The logo that will be displayed on timesheets
- The Expenses rates per kilometer
Now that you've checked everything, let's get started :)
On the Ressource's card
The email is correct! Click on the Settings cogwheel and let's continue!
On the Resource's configuration page
- To activate the intranet, tick the box
- Choose the type of intranet account you wish to assign to your resource (Employee, Freelancer, or Subcontractor).
These 3 intranet roles can be configured in the Administration (Managers/Roles > Roles tab), and allow you to give or remove access to Intranet modules (My Timesheets, My Expenses, My Absences, My Invoices). - Check or edit the resource's Login and choose a first password.
By default, the tool will suggest the Resource's email1 as a login. Once you've shared access to their account, your resource will be able to change their password straight away. - Default configuration is set for your resource to submit their timesheets & expenses based on the date of "first employment". If you'd like them to start submitting on a specific month, please select "To be defined" and choose the desired month.
- By default, the validation workflow is the one that you have defined in the legal agency. However, you can customize it for each resource by adding/deleting/reorganizing the list of validators.
Default settings can be defined in the Administration > Legal Agencies > Agency card > Activities & expenses tab > Default workflows. - You can also choose the default language of your intranet's interface (either French or English) as well as change their default time zone.
- This configuration enables you to choose which documents will be automatically generated each month.
The creation date can be set up in your Administration > Legal Agencies> Agency card > Activities & expenses tab > "Date of documents creation and mail to resources" field. - By default, authorized daily work unit types are the same as what you've defined in your Legal Agency but you can also customize them specifically for this resource if needed.
- Save and proceed with sending out intranet access by clicking on "Share access"
Intranet Roles
Please note that you might find these roles labeled in French by default, feel free to choose the label that suits you best.
I.E.: "Intranet freelance" > Intranet account - Freelancer ; "Intranet salarié" > Intranet account - Employee; "Intranet sous-traitant" > Intranet account - Subcontractor
Once your resource has an active intranet, you'll be able to communicate them their login information so that they can submit their timesheets, expenses and absence requests.
Sharing access
- Select your resource in the dropdown list.
Check the body of the message. You have a default template that you can customize in your settings
(Administration > Global settings > Share tab > Customize the text "Email to share a Resource access" and save).
- This box enables you to send a copy of the email to yourself.
- Click on the Share button to send out the message to your resource! Voilà!
Bulk activation of intranet accesses
You can activate or deactivate in bulk your resource's intranet accounts. To do so, you need to download the IntranetAccount app in the Administration.
(Administration > MarketPlace > IntranetAccount > Install the app and activate the app for the managers who need it)
Have a look at the following tutorial about how to use IntranetAccount for more information!
Sending intranet accesses in bulk
You can send intranet accesses to your resources in bulk. To do so, you need to download the Emailing app in the Administration.
(Administration > MarketPlace > Emailing > Install the app and activate the app for the managers who need it)
Don't hesitate to learn more about the use of Emailing with our dedicated tutorial!
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
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