You'll find below the best practices on how to correctly fill in the different project cards: delegation of skills, fixed price, recruitment and product.
Information tab
Projects > Project card > Information tab
- Project type => make sure that the right type of project has been selected when the project was created
- The Project reference => By default, the tool will suggest a reference based on your administrator's settings (Administrator interface > Legal agencies > "Advanced settings" tab). If need be, you can modify the reference which has been automatically filled in.
- The Delivery location => By default, the toll will reuse the address which has been entered in the Information tab of the CRM company card.
Good to know:
You'll be able to modify and specify the start and end dates of the project via the Deliveries tab of the project.
Deliveries tab
Projects > Project tab > Deliveries tab
The Deliveries tab will let you enter all of the important data shared between your and your client concerning the mission (the ressources, the period, the number of days sold, the daily sales charge...).
Create one or several deliveries on the project (Cf. Positionner une / des ressource(s) sur un projet existant)
- Enter the content of each delivery by clicking on each line to check and/or specify some of the information (as explained above).
If no contract ADC is visible on the delivery, this means your resource does not have a contract in BoondManager (Administrative tab). We strongly advise you to create a contract for each of your resources, as they will be used for the different calculations (production cost, margin...).
- For each delivery, you can add a Title. If the Activities & Expenses module is activated on your interface, the resources will see this title when they enter their times. This way, you can create several deliveries with different titles for the resources to easily identify them. This way, you'll obtain the project turnover, cost, margin and profitability:
- Turnover ET = daily sales charge x nb of days sold + the potential additional turnover of the different deliveries
- Cost ET = contract ADC x nb of days sold (+ potential free days) + the potential Investments of the different deliveries
- Margin ET = Turnover ET - Cost ET
- Profitability (in %) = Margin ET / Turnover ET x 100
The signed deliveries are displayed in blue on the production plans (Reporting module). Also, if you activate the Activities & Expenses module on your interface, the resources can declare their times on their projects based on the deliveries periods. If there are several deliveries within one single project for the same resource, we recommend you using the deliveries titles. This way, you make it easier for the resources to correctly enter their times.
Useful links
Here are a few useful links for you to go further concerning the projects:
Information tab
Projects > Project card > Information tab
- Project type => make sure that the right type of project has been selected when the project was created.
- The Project reference => By default, the tool will suggest a reference based on your administrator's settings (Administrator interface > Legal agencies > "Advanced settings" tab). If need be, you can modify the reference which has been automatically filled in.
- The start and end dates of the project => It's important to enter them right from the start as later on, when you create the deliveries, the tool will reuse the same dates to qualify the deliveries. This will help you save time!
- The Delivery location => By default, the toll will reuse the address which has been entered in the Information tab of the CRM company card.
Deliveries tab
Projects > Project card > Deliveries tab
The deliveries tab enables you to enter the signed/ budgeted turnover and costs between you and your client (delivery period, number of days sold, prices, anticipated expenses...).
You can formalise the budgeted project turnover and costs via two different ways:
By filling in the resources deliveries linked to the project
Add one or several deliveries on the project (Cf. Positionner une / des ressource(s) sur un projet existant)
Enter information in the deliveries you've created by clicking on each line (start and end date, Daily sales charge, number of days sold...). This way, you'll get the project turnover and margin per resource.
- For each delivery, you can add a title. If the Activities & Expenses module is activated on your interface, the resources will be able to enter their times on the project (Project Reference + Delivery title). Thus, the tool will give you the possibility to create several deliveries with different titles for the resources to correctly declare their activities.
If no contract ADC is visible on the delivery, this means your resource does not have a contract in BoondManager (Administrative tab). We strongly advise you to create a contract for each of your resources, as they will be used for the different calculations (production cost, margin...).
- By using the Additional turnover & investments:
- If you want to declare turnover & investments which are not directly linked to the deliveries, then click on the blue sentence (under the signed figures). This will display a table where you can key in additional turnover and investments! For each line, you can associate a date, a title, a turnover and an investment. If you tick the green toggle, the date will also impact the production indicators. Indeed, this will automatically impact the production turnover and cost in the Consumption and Billing tabs, as well as in the reporting.
- Once you've entered all of the information, in the deliveries tabs and/or the additional turnover & investments, you'll get the following indicators in the signed figures table:
- Turnover ET = (daily sales charge x nb of days sold + the potential additional turnover of the different deliveries) + the potential additional turnover on the project
- Costs ET = (contract ADC x nb of days sold + the potential Investments of the different deliveries) + (the potential additional investments on the project)
- Margin ET = Turnover ET - Cost ET
- Profitability (in %) = Margin ET / Turnover ET x 100
Good to know:
You can also decide to name one or several project managers in order to give them more rights without any financial data. From his/her intranet, a project manager can:
- update the existing batches (title, planned duration, what remains to be done and change the assignments) as well as create and update the existing markers.
- have a look a the detail of each resource's consumption
- add actions on the project actions tab
The signed deliveries are displayed in blue on the production plans (Reporting module). Also, if you activate the Activities & Expenses module on your interface, the resources can declare their times on their projects based on the deliveries periods. If there are several deliveries within one single project for the same resource, we recommend you using the deliveries titles. This way, you make it easier for the resources to correctly enter their times!
Deliveries grouping (recommended)
If need be, you can create deliveries groupings in order to assign different resources to the same activity.
For each grouping, you'll be able to:
- choose a start and a end date
- enter a daily sales charge, for the grouping, linked to a number of days sold and distribute it between the different deliveries, either proportionally or manually
- follow up on time consumption from the Consumption tab by clicking on Groupings
Batches / Markers
To use batches and markers, you first need to go to the project and activate the toggle "Show batches/markers tab" in order to use the feature.
This feature aims at helping you steer the project and its progress by defining:
- batches on which the resources will be able to declare their times. Once you've created batches, the resources on the project will have to use them to enter their times. They will no longer be able to enter times on the whole project. Batches are convenient to measure progress on some specific parts of the project.
- Enter the title and the projected duration. The « Assignment » field allows you to name a specific resource working on this batch. If you leave this field blank, all of the resources on the project will be able to enter times on this batch. However, as soon as at least one resource has been assigned to this batch, the other resources who have not been assigned will not be able to declare activities on this batch!
- For each batch, you can decide to indicate a signed turnover distribution.
- markers to define the big steps of the project and analyse progress in terms of percentage. However, the markers are not linked to the times entered by the resources. Indeed, the resources cannot declare any activities on the markers directly.
If a project manager has been named on the Deliveries tab, (s)he can update the existing batches as well as create or modify markers.
Useful links
Here are a few useful links to go further:
the Information tab
- Enter the project reference, the delivery date, the turnover and the potential investments you'd like to impact on your recruitment projects.
- Click on the Save button or hit Enter on your keyboard
Useful links
Here is a useful link for you to go further:
Information tab
- Write the project title/reference and attach all of the useful documents
- Click on the Save button or hit Enter on your keyboard
Deliveries tab
- If it's a one-off product
- Enter the sales date (1), the unit sales charge (2) as well as the quantity sold (3)
- You can add a delivery title if need be (4)
- If it's a product involving a subscription
- Enter the subscription dates and save (1), the tool will then suggest a quantity to invoice (number of schedules) depending on the start and end dates you've entered. If this is a monthly product, sold for a 12 month period, the tool will suggest 12 schedules. (2)
- Enter the unit sales charge (3) and the number of schedules sold (4)
- You can add a delivery title if need be (5)
Useful Links
To go further:
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