Creating & qualifying your orders

To generate invoices on BoondManager, it is necessary to create the client's order first. This will allow you to prepare/automate the generation of your invoices. The order is, in a way, the "digital contract" on BoondManager.


For Times & Materials projects

Order creation

On Delegation of skills/Times & Materials type of projects, orders must be correlated to a delivery/deliveries. 

Projects > Project card > Deliveries tab


After qualifying the "Deliveries" tab of your T&M/Delegation of skills project:

  1. Select the Delivery(ies) card(s) you want to associate with your order.
  2. Click on the "Create Order" button.

Order qualification

Projects > Project card > Billing tab > Order card

Verification & Information to provide

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  1. Enter the order number, i.e., the order number provided by your client or your internal reference if the client does not provide an order reference.
  2. IMPORTANT: Validate the Order turnover (the amount of the order). "Order Turnover" (the amount of the order). By default, the tool takes the Signed turnover (revenue) entered on the Delivery cards correlated with the Order. It is important to fill in this field correctly to obtain an invoicing delta between the order and what you have invoiced.
  3. Check or uncheck the "Receipt of the client agreement" option to indicate that you have received the official document formalizing the client's approval. From the "Billing" module, you can quickly preview all orders for which you have received or not received client approval using filters in the "Orders" view.
  4. Enter the order date (by default, it'll use today's date).
  5. If you created your order from the "Deliveries" tab, the tool should have automatically correlated your Delivery(ies) card(s) with the order. If not, select the Delivery(ies) card(s) to correlate with the order. Correlating an order with Delivery cards associates the periods and signed turnover of the deliveries with the order. It also facilitates invoice generation from the PostProduction App. Correlating an order with Delivery cards associates the periods and signed turnover of the deliveries with the order. It also facilitates invoice generation from the PostProduction App .
  6. IMPORTANT - "Billing Type": Monthly or Schedule . By default, the tool suggests Monthly billing for T&M (Delegation of skills) projects. Thus, for each month of the order period, you can invoice the Production turnover (valorized time, expenses, and billable purchases). If you wish, you can still switch the billing type to Schedules. This type of billing is generally used for Fixed-Price projects.  
  7. Select the client's billing details in the "Billing Methods" section. If no billing details is suggested, it means you have not entered a billing address on the client's company card. Please proceed to enter their billing details.
  8. If needed, provide Billing Instructions that will appear on your invoice as a reminder.
  9. Check the VAT rate and modify it if needed.
  10. Check the payment terms.
  11. Select, from your various IBANs, your bank details to which the invoice should be paid. 

Point of attention: 

Make sure that:

  • the "Main manager" as well as the "Agency" to associate with the order are consistent. By default, the tool sets the "Main manager" of the order as the one who creates the order and the "Agency" of the project as the owning agency of the project.
  • the right Sending mode (Email, Paper mail, Online Portal etc.) is selected in the client's "Billing details".

To go even further: 

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  1. "Monthly Invoices Settings" allows you to define certain features for invoices related to this order such as:
    • Separating invoices per activity to dissociate expenses and purchases as well as exceptional activities, thus obtaining distinct invoices
    • Group activities into a single invoice line to consolidate deliveries or expenses into one line.
    • Attach timesheets as annexes: by activating this option, Boond will attach the related timesheets (signed by the client or not) to the invoice.
    • Mandatory signed timesheets: by activating this option, your collaborator will be alerted on their timesheet to initiate the document signing, and invoicing will be blocked if not completed.
    • Define default settings for client PDF: these elements will be pre-selected when your collaborator initiates the electronic signature process, and will be considered during the creation and downloading of the client timesheets PDF.
    • Attach expense receipts as annexes: if a receipt is associated with an expense rebilled to the client for a project, it will be attached as an annex to the related invoice.

  2. Possibility to enter a comment and display it (by checking the box) on all invoices.
    • Merge the annexes into the invoice PDF: the annexes will be added on subsequent pages of the invoice. Only PDF or image formats (JPEG and PNG) can be merged.
    • Display specific fields on the default invoice PDF: bank details, VAT number, recipient's SIRET number, project reference, etc.
  3. The "Invoices Legals" section allows you to enter a generic legal mention that you want to display on each of the invoices associated with the order.
  4. Attachments section is useful, for example, to attach the signed order.

Important Information!

To facilitate the creation of your orders, you can configure your default order from the Administration (standard legal notices to display, standard payment terms, bank details, etc.):
Administration > Legal Agencies > your legal agency > Billing tab 

Invoicing your project

We invite you to take a look at the Monthly Invoicing: Invoicing a Times & Materials project tutorial.

For Fixed-price projects 

Order creation

Projects > Project card

Create the order from any tab in the Project card by clicking on the orange (+) button.


Order qualification

Projects > Project card > Billing tab > Order card 

Verification & Information to provide 

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  1. Enter the order number, i.e., the number provided by your client or your internal reference if the client does not provide a reference. 
  2. IMPORTANT - "Order Turnover" (the amount of the order): By default, the tool takes the signed turnover (revenue) from the delivery cards correlated with the order. It's important to fill in this field to get an invoicing delta between the order and what you have invoiced.
  3. Check or uncheck the "Receipt of the client agreement" option to indicate that you have received the official document formalizing the client's approval. From the "Billing" module, you can quickly preview all orders for which you have received or not received client approval using filters in the "Orders" view.
  4. Enter the order date (by default, it'll use today's date).
  5. By default, no delivery will be correlated with the order. If you want to correlate a delivery(ies) with the order, you can manually associate them in the "Deliveries/Purchases correlated" section.
  6. IMPORTANT - "Billing Type": Monthly or Schedule . By default, for fixed-price projects, the tool suggests billing with a schedule system. However, you can still choose "Monthly" billing => for each month of the order period, you can invoice the Production turnover (valorized time, expenses, and billable purchases). This type of billing is generally used for Time and Materials (T&M)/Delegation of skills projects.
  7. The "Billing Schedule" section allows you to enter the different billing schedules planned for your order. When you click "Create Invoice," the tool will prompt you to select one of the schedules formalized in this field. Also, note that all schedules created on the order are displayed summarily in the "Billing" module > Schedules view. The tool shows all schedules and indicates if there is an invoice for each schedule and if there is a delta between the invoiced and expected amounts.
  8. Select the client's billing details in the "Billing Methods" section. If no billing details is suggested, it means you have not entered a billing address on the client's company card. Please proceed to enter their billing details.
  9. Verify the payment terms and VAT rate.
  10. Ensure you have the correct bank details associated with your order (if you want to display them on your invoices). From the Administration, you can configure your default bank details to display + configure additional ones that you can select based on orders/projects/clients.

Point of attention:

Make sure that:

  • the "Main manager" as well as the "Agency" to associate with the order are consistent. By default, the tool sets the "Main manager" of the order as the one who creates the order and the "Agency" of the project as the owning agency of the project.
  • the right Sending mode (Email, Paper mail, Online Portal etc.) is selected in the client's "Billing details".

To go even further: 

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  1. Possibility to enter a comment and display it (by checking the box) on all invoices.
  2. "The "Invoices PDF" section allows you to define the information you want to display on the invoices related to the order (bank details, project reference, resource names, footer, etc.).
  3. The "Invoices Legals" section allows you to enter a generic legal mention that you want to display on each of the invoices associated with the order.
  4. Attachments section is useful, for example, to attach the signed order.

Important Information!

To facilitate the creation of your orders, you can configure your default order from the Administration (standard legal notices to display, standard payment terms, bank details, etc.):
Administration > Legal Agencies > your legal agency > Billing tab 

Invoicing your project

 We invite you to take a look at our tutorial: Schedule Billing: Invoicing your Fixed-price projects.

For a Product Sales project

Order creation

Projects > Project card

When creating a project of the "Product" type, you have the option to assign an existing product from your Product module.

Before creating the order, make sure you have properly qualified your product in the "Deliveries" tab of your project. Ensure you have defined the relevant period, sales rate, and the number of sold days.


After qualifying the "Deliveries" tab of your project:

  1. Check the line(s) corresponding to your product.
  2. Click on the "Create Order" button.

It's as simple as that—congratulations! You have just created your order.

Order qualification

Projects > Project card > Billing tab > Order card

Now you are on your order card, where you can review and complete it.


  1. Enter the order number, i.e., the number provided by your client or your internal reference if the client does not provide a reference. 
  2. The order turnover is based on your signed turnover (revenue), i.e., what you have qualified on the deliveries correlated with the order. You are free to adjust it if necessary.
  3. Check or uncheck the "Receipt of the client agreement" option to indicate that you have received the official document formalizing the client's approval. 
  4. Enter the order date (by default, it'll use today's date).
  5. Correlated Deliveries/Purchases: Here you will find the product(s) correlated with the order.
  6. Billing type: You will find the default billing settings here; you are free to modify them specifically for this order.
    The billing type depends on the type of product ordered. By default, the tool will suggest:
    • "Schedule" for the sale of a unitary, annual, semi-annual, or quarterly product. With this type of billing, you need to define different schedules (date, title, and amount).
    • "Monthly" for the sale of a product with a monthly subscription. With this type of billing, the tool will suggest to create invoices for each month of the subscription period.
  7. Make sure you have entered the client's billing details. If no details are present in the dropdown list, you should either: 
    • click on the pen to create new billing details or select one in the list of existing billing details for your client.
    • Go to the CRM company > Billing tab > Billing instructions section, to create new billing details.
      Capture d’écran 2024-02-15 à 13.24.07.png

Point of attention: 

Make sure that:

  • the "Main manager" as well as the "Agency" to associate with the order are consistent. By default, the tool sets the "Main manager" of the order as the one who creates the order and the "Agency" of the project as the owning agency of the project.
  • the right Sending mode (Email, Paper mail, Online Portal etc.) is selected in the client's "Billing details".

Invoicing your project

Invoice your product sales project like a regular delivery, either from the order or from the PostProduction app.

From the order

If you want to invoice manually, go to the order and press this button:  Capture_d_e_cran_2020-01-02_a__15.26.32.png

The tool will then prompt you to select the month or relevant schedule.

From PostProduction

  • If you are on a monthly payment type, the tool will display the relevant months, Production turnover, and allow you to invoice either individually using the cash register icon at the end of the line or in bulk using the orange cash register icon at the top of the page.
  • If you are on a schedule payment type, the tool will display the months of the relevant schedules, the amount of your schedules, and allow you to invoice either individually using the cash register icon at the end of the line or in bulk using the orange cash register icon at the top of the page.

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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