Learn everything you need to know about keywords search engine of BoondManager's modules.


⚙️ Our different search engines

First of all, you must know that each module does not use the same keywords search engine. However there are only two engines: the "Basic" one and the "Advanced" one. 

Modules 🔎 Basic 🔬 Advanced 🧷 Indexation of attachment keywords.
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🔎 Basic search

Modules powered by a "basic" search engine allow you to search into titles and references of each records. However, that engine does not tolerate approximations.

Example: if you search for "Donald", you won't get the "MacDonald" record as a result. However if you search for Mac or Mac* then you'll get the right result. Here are the available operators you can use in Basic search:

  • * : your word can be truncated => exam*
  • ? : one letter of your word can be truncated => ex?
  • ~ : the word can be similar => example~
  • " " : the word/phrase you litterally search for => "exemple1", "exemple2 exemple3"   

 Tips ?

If you can't find a record, do not hesitate to add a * before and after your word (ex : *word*). Sometimes the your record wouldn't show up because one character is missing.

🔬 Advanced search

The Candidates, Resources, CRM, Opportunities, Actions and Product module are powered by a keywords filter allowing you to run full text requests among your records. The following sections explain how to use it properly.

How to use the keywords filter


You can use many operators in this keywords filter:

  • +{expression} : the expression must be part of the result
  • -{expression} : the expression must not be part of the result (equivalent to NOT {expression})
  • {expression1} OR {expression2} : the result must contain expression1 OR expression 2 (equivalent to {expression1} {expression2})
  • {expression1} AND {expression2} : the result must contain expression1 AND expression 2 (equivalent to +{expression1} +{expression2})
  • {expression1} AND NOT {expression2} : the result must contain expression1 BUT NOT expression 2 (equivalent to +{expression1} -{expression2})

What is an {expression}?

An expression can be a word, a sentence between "" (litteral expression) or combination of other expression(s) with ( ).

Brackets (e.g. "project manager") will get you results containing the exact same wording.

A word (e.g. Developer) will get ou results using similar words (semantically).

A combination of words without brackets (e.g. project manager) will be used as words separated with OR.

Parenthesis let you create combinations with operators (e.g. Developer AND (Angular OR "Ember.js") AND NOT "Junior" ) .

Search for keywords only from CV, TD, email, phone number, ...

Using the icon located on the right side of the "keywords" filter, you can narrow your search engine to keywords found in specific fields such as CV, TD, email, phone number, name, title, ... As an example you can search for records containing specific (key)words in their:

  • Their first name, last name, TD or CV
  • CV only
  • TD only

Ordered by pertinence score

Unless you've manually forced the order setting (available in the header of some column), your results will automatically be ordered by pertinence regarding your keywords request.

↩️ Reset your search settings

If you wish to reset your search settings, you have to open your filter and then to clic on "Reset filters".


If you can't find the desired result, please double check that you've not used to specific/many filters!

By default, BoondManage save your last search settings so if you have used filters in your previous one, they will remain on your next one unless you reset them.


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