Monitoring your invoice payments


To save some time in billing management and monitoring clients' invoice payments, follow this guide 😉


Identifying incoming invoice payments

Using filters

Billing > Invoices view

To find your invoices with pending payments:

  1. Select all States except for "Payed"
  2. Filter on the Period = Expected payment date / on a dynamic period = until today.



Do not hesitate to save your search in order to save time. 😉


Using alerts

By default, for all invoices in a "Creation" or "Transmitted to client" states, which payment date has exceeded more than 20 days, an alert will be enabled to notify you. 

 Good to know

Administration > Apps/Marketplace > Alerts > Configuration button

It is possible to edit this alert if you wish to be notified earlier or later. 


Sending reminders for pending invoices
  1. Filter on the invoices in question,
  2. Select each invoice or select all,
  3. Click on Emailing,
  4. Proceed to send by, for example, choosing your dedicated email template for reminding clients of their due payments. 



To find all information regarding sending emails/reminders for your invoices, as well as email template creation, please refer to our tutorial on Emailing.

Reporting the payment of an invoice

When you receive an invoice payment, a few cases may occur. 

Invoice fully paid

Individually, one invoice at a time

By clicking on the invoice, you will then have the possibility to change its state. 



By default, when saving, if you do not enter a date of payment, Boond will automatically enter today's date. 


If you receive payments from multiples invoices, mass modification will be useful:

  1. Select the invoice(s) in question
  2. Click on the icon for mass modification 
  3. Select the State = Payed

Capture d’écran 2023-10-12 à 16.14.04.png

You will then have to select the date on which you would like to indicate that the selected invoices have been paid. 

Partially paid invoices

However, if your client has not paid the entirety of what's due, you will need to report a partial payment. 

Billing > Invoices view > Invoice card in question

Paiement partiel.png

  1. Click on the Capture d’écran 2023-10-12 à 14.52.18.pngicon
  2. Add a row by specifying:  
    • The date of the first payment 
    • The amount paid
    • A comment
  3. Select the invoice's state after confirmation


    Administration > Global Settings> Actions/States tab

    If you happen to be in this situation, we recommend you to create a new state for invoices : Partial payment.

Once the total amount has been paid, the progression bar will be green and will display 100%. The task "Declare receipt of invoice payment" will be validated.


Monitoring invoices 

To monitor your invoices more efficiently, multiple views are at your disposal. 

From the Reporting module

Reporting > Synthesis view > Billing type

The displayed table retraces all states of ongoing invoices.

If you click on one of the displayed amounts, Boond will redirect you to the Billing module with the invoices sorted by date. 


From the Billing module

With saved searches

For monitoring invoices, saved searches are an ideal time saver! 😉

Capture d’écran 2023-10-12 à 16.58.51.png

To go further

Two applications can help you to go further with your invoices: 

  • Compta & Paie which allows you to manage your accounting entry
  • SEPA which allows you to generate payment orders 

Compta & Paie

Compta & Paie allows you to generate files in order to import your accounting data on your accounting tool (Sage Ligne 100, Sage Coala, CEGID).

Tutorial in French (English tutorial incoming)

SEPA app

The SEPA app has for goal to help you generate your SEPA files in order to collect payment from your clients. 

Tutorial in French (English tutorial incoming)

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Contact: (+33) 03 62 27 61 05

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