More than being a 100% remote company (like BoondManager), Zapier is an app that wants to make you happy and save some of your precious time. To do that, it offers you a user-friendly interface on which you can create automations (zaps) between some of your different applications/tools so that you never have to do it manually.
Here are some integration examples you can imagine:
- Create automatically a candidate, a company, a contact, an opportunity whenever someone submit one of your online form.
- Create an action in BoondManager when an event is created in your calendar (or when it has been booked through Calendly).
- Create an action in BoondManager when an specific email is received
- Create a resource in BoondManager when a candidate from another ATS is updated to "Hired"
- Update your invoices status if you're using an online banking recognition tool.
- Post a message in a Slack channel every time an opportunity/candidate/project/... is created
- Post a message in a Teams channel every time an opportunity is won
- Add a contact/candidate to your newsletter every time a new contact/candidate is created in BoondManager
- Update a contact/candidate information every time (s)he unsuscribes your newsletter
- etc...
This tutorial will give you more information regarding this integration and how you can use it.
Make sure you're allowed to connect via API!
If you want to use our Zapier integration, you'll need to authorise your account sending API calls via BASIC AUTH. To do that, please go to your profile > Configuration >"Security" tab > "Allow Rest API call from BasicAuth authentication".
Don't forget to do that because if you don't, you won't be able to use any of our triggers/actions and you'll get a 401 error.
Definition of a Zap
A Zap is the combination of a trigger and one (or many) actions. Each trigger and action is provided by an application (BoondManager, Gmail, TypeForm, Zendesk…) and allow you to interact with itself.
The trigger step is the one that will launch your automation (ex: A new Candidate/Opportunity has been created in BoondManager, Someone has submitted one of your TypeForm, ...
Once the trigger is launched, your Zap will play every action one by one until the end of your process.
What for?
Each Zapier action enables you to (using some data obtained most of the time from your trigger or first actions) create or edit a record in BoondManager.
In order to help you trigger some process whenever a specific event happens in BoondManager, we provide you many zapier triggers.
Triggers based on creation events
Those events will launch your zap whenever a creation (of the related object) is observed. Once created, you'll be able to use the newly created data to launch other actions. Here is the list of the triggers available after a event creation:
- New Candidate
- New Resource
- New Company
- New Contact
- New Opportunity
- New Project
- New Invoice
- New Action / Action Updated
Triggers based on update events
Those events will launch your zap whenever an update (of the related object) is observed. You'll get the detail of what has been updated and be able to use them to do some other actions. Here is the list of the triggers available after an update event:
- Candidate Updated
- Resource Updated
- Company Updated
- Contact Updated
- Opportunity Updated
- Project Updated
- Invoice Updated
- New Action / Action Updated
Need more information about the updated record?
Do not hesitate to use, right after your trigger event, a "Search" action related to the same object (using its ID).
Beware on your Zapier credit consumption
Be careful not to use too frequently triggers because you might consume a lot of your Zapier credits. For example, be cautious with the "New Action / Action Updated" triggers that will launch your automation at every BoondManager's action creation AND update. You'd better use a filter right after this trigger to test some conditions (event type, parent object type, ...) before doing something else.
Post a Slack message in a channel every time a new project is created
With this Zap, you can notify your teams (in a specific Slack channel) every time a new project is created. This kind of zap structure can be used with any creation trigger.
Post a Slack message every time an opportunity is updated to "Won"
This zap allows you to notify your teams on Slack every time a BoondManager's Opportunity is updated to "Won". This kind of zap structure can be used with any update trigger. The specificity of this Zap is that it contains a "Filter" step that you can use to make sure some conditions are verified before playing the other actions. For example here make sure the "State" of the opportunity has been changed to its "1" value (which means "Won"). If something else was changed, the zap wouldn't go further.
Post a slack message every time an opportunity is created
Here again we are using a "creation" event to launch an automation. To show you a bit more about what you can do, we've created two different zaps depending on your level and Zapier pricing:
- Beginner Zap: we post a message right after the trigger
- Advanced Zap: we get the creator and company details before posting (to be able to send more details on our slack post)
In order to automate BoondManager record creation/update, we provide the following actions:
Search Actions
Those actions help you get details of a specific record in order to do something with it (check if a record already exist, update some of its information, ...).
Here is the list of "search" type actions provided by BoondManager.:
- Find a Company
- Find a Candidate
- Find a Resource
- Find a Contact
- Find a Log
Creation Actions
Those actions enable you to create automatically new records in BoondManager. It can be very useful if you want to make sure some data gathered by another of your Software automatically go into BoondManager.
Here is the list of "creation" type actions provided:
- Create a Candidate
- Create a Resource
- Create a Company
- Create a Contact
- Create an Opportunity
- Create an Action - Candidate
- Create an Action - Contact
- Import a File
Update Actions
Those actions enable you to make sure your BoondManager data is always up to date.
Here is the liste of "update" type actions provided:
- Update a Candidate
- Update a Resource
- Update a Company
- Update a Contact
- Update an Opportunity
In order to help you, feel free to have a look at those actions and to copy our following Zap Templates.
Do not create infinite loops!!
Be careful not to create infinite loops. For example, if you use a zap triggered by a "Candidate Updated" and then in your actions you decide to update this very same candidate, you will create an infinite loop that will only stop until you've consumed every one of your Zapier credit.
Create a candidate in BoondManager every time a Typeform is submitted.
This zap can be very useful if you're looking for a simple way to provide your candidate a recruitment form that communicates with BoondManager.
If you want to use it, feel free to click on this link in order to see our Zap template.
Create a candidate in BoondManager every time a GForm is submitted
Exactly the same logic as the previous one but this time with GForm.
If you want to use it, feel free to click on this link in order to see our Zap template.
Create an opportunity every time a GForm is submitted
Same again but this time for an opportunity creation (and also the company/contact creation if those ones don't already exist in your BoondManager's interface).
If you want to use it, feel free to click on this link in order to see our Zap template.
And many other use cases...
You could, for example, use any form to:
- Update some existing record (choosing the mandatory fields you want)
- Create action templates
- Import some documents gathered through another application
If you have any improvement ideas regarding our available actions/triggers, please let us know! We'll be glad to make this integration more powerful!
This tutorial has been written in french but you'll find many other tutorials explaining how to create a Zap in Zapier tutorials
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
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