Import your data on your BoondManager interface

Through our import module, entering your CRM (Contacts & Companies), Candidates, Resources, Opportunities and Actions data on BoondManager is simpler than ever! 😊

Here's a tutorial to guide you in formatting your import files and in entering your data on Boond.

PART 1: Formatting your data for import 


Our import module is designed to import new data but will not be able to update already existing cards. 

The following steps will only be applicable for entering new data: if you're trying to import cards that are already created on BoondManager, the module will create new cards (which will cause duplicates). 

To format your data and get a file ready for import, we recommend using a CSV file format, as it is easy to open and edit on Microsoft Excel. Ideally, files must be encoded to UTF-8 so that accented characters, special characters and non-English alphabet characters are all properly imported.

Tips: On Microsoft Excel, when using the "Save as" menu, you can directly choose the right file format, titled "CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)".



We also provide file templates for each type of import. Just click on the link below:

Before you start entering data, here are some tips to remember for the perfect import :  

  • The default format for date fields is JJ/MM/AAAA (DD/MM/YYYY). 
  • There are no particular format for text fields such as Surname, Name, Titles, Note, etc.
  • Some fields (Notes, Skills, etc.) can have several lines, and added lines will be imported
  • Standard fields which are linked to your settings must be in accordance with the exact labels on your BoondManager settings.


    For states created for CRM cards, if you added a "VIP Client" state, you will have to copy the exact label in the relevant field including capitals and accents.

  • When adding more than one label to the same field, as for example adding Candidates & Resources' Activity area labels which are selecting labels on BoondManager, you should add these labels in a row, separated by a comma. Don't forget to enter the exact label you have in your settings. 

    E.g., "Developer, Project Manager, Java"

  • When you need to assign cards to different Managers from your BoondManager account, or if you need to assign a particular Legal Agency, Business Unit or Pole, you must specify their ID reference in the relevant column.

    Where to find the ID reference?

    The ID reference is always on the bottom left of the configuration page of the card : e.g. for Managers, you will find their ID reference in Administration > Managers/Roles > Open the Manager card and find the ID on the bottom left of the page. You will come across a reference similar to COMP1 and you will have to only copy the number "1" in the "Main Manager" column of your import file.

  • For Resources and Candidates' skills, you might need to add ratings. It is the case, for example, with the Tools in the TD tab, you will need to enter the Tool and its rating as such : "Tool:Rating" in your import file.

    To add multiple Tools, separate them with a comma as shown : "Tool1:Rating1, Tool2:Rating2".
    E.g., "Python:4, Jenkins:3" 

PART 2: Importing files
  1. Once your files are ready for import, go to your Administration > Import your data (bottom left)


    First step consists in selecting the type of data that you would like to import, you can then upload your file.


    Import attached Resumes

    To import resumes attached to your Candidates' and/or Resources' cards, refer to the FAQ section below.

  2. Once the file is uploaded, the next step appears automatically. 


    Here, you'll be able to specify your file format; but no worries! : if you followed Part 1's instructions carefully, you won't need to edit this step

  3. In the section below, a table is displayed with your Excel table along with column headers to choose. This table allows you to assign to (or map) columns from your Excel file with the available field/labels on BoondManager. 


    Generally, if you have used our template files, all columns should be recognized by the tool. If not, the columns that weren't recognized will appear in red for you to select what BoondManager label matches the column. 

  4. Finally, at the bottom of the page, the tool will display the labels that weren't recognized, that seem incorrect, or differs from your customized settings on BoondManager.


    You can directly correct the labels and even choose which label to use when no information was entered ("Valeurs vides", voir FAQ). 


    Before importing data, in order to save all changes done during this step, we recommend you to download the "final version" of the document by clicking on the Download CSV file shown below: 


  5. Once everything is ready to be imported to BoondManager, go to top right of the page, inhale, exhale and finally click on Import! 😊 


PART 3: Checking imported data

It is important to make sure that the entirety of the imported data is correct, in order to identify any issue and to correct it before using erroneous cards. We recommend you these efficient steps to check that your import worked efficiently:  

Checking for errors

When the import starts, a blue notification shows up at the bottom right of your page to confirm that the import is processing.

When the import is finished, a notification also shows up at the same spot (bottom right of the page).

  • If the notification is green, no error was detected during the import and everything worked properly.

  • If the notification is red, at least one error was detected, meaning you should check the data that was imported. 

Checking imported cards randomly

Whether an error was detected or not, it is recommended to randomly choose a few imported cards and to check that all the information from the import file is present: content, assigned managers, selectors etc.

In order to do so, the "Period" filter is provided on each search view of modules to filter on the creation date and therefore limiting the list to cards created through the import.


An error message showed up but I don't know where the issue comes from, what do I do?

The data I imported isn't correct, how can I go back?

  • In the related search view (i.e. Candidate module), you can filter by creation date and select the day you imported your file. You will then have to delete either by selecting the related cards or by selecting all cards if the entire import was incorrect.

  • Warning: if cards were created manually on the same day as the import was done, remember to unselect them in order not to delete them. 

How do I import CVs attached to my candidates or resources cards?

  • CVs must be in PDF format or Word format to be usable in BoondManager

  • Gather all your CV files in a ZIP archive file

  • The file shall be visible by the import server: that's why you need to upload the file on a drive (GoogleDrive etc.) with a share feature that allows external access ("Public" share that can be enabled during the import and later be disabled) 

  • Finally, for each candidate or resource card, indicate the title of the CV file in the appropriate column by specifying the extension.

  • If your ZIP archive file contains file trees, the title of the file should be written as such "folder/file.extension"

    I.e. : "MyCV.docx", ou "MyFolder/MyCV.docx" in case of a file tree

Be careful with your ZIP encoding

We have noticed that some ZIP files have encodings that prevent our system to properly read the title of different files. Before starting the full import, we invite you to test with a sample of CVs with some of them containing special characters (accents, symbols, etc.) in the title/tree in order to see if they can properly be imported. If not, you will have to try to compress the file with another encoding but do not hesitate to contact our support team if you need further help/guidance on the subject.


I want to assign my imported actions to a particular CRM contact, how do I proceed?

  • You should use the column Parent card and indicate the related contact ID.

  • To find this ID, go to CRM > Contacts and click on the wanted contact card. At the bottom left of the card, you will see the ID (reference) as shown below:


    Copy the number in the Parent card column to assign the action to this contact.

Can I import other attached documents other than CVs?

Such a feature is not planned yet, therefore other documents shall be added manually after the import phase when checking data.

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Tel : (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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