Just like every month, we've released a lot of new features and this month, we have so much to share with you .
We let you discover what February has got for you!
Happy reading!
Being able to associate a picture to a resource, a candidate or a CRM contact was a long-awaited evolution.
We always try and do our best to meet your expectations and this feature is now available.
In one click, BoondManager takes care of everything! Just take a look below .
From a candidate, resource or contact CRM, you'll be able to associate a picture.
You'll have the choice between using Google to search for the image (suggested by default) or import an image of your choice.
You were all waiting for it and it's now available. Our BoondManager extension for LinkedIn has evolved and now enables you to:
- Create a new company or a new CRM contact via LinkedIn
- Update the information of the companies and contacts already in BoondManager
- Add the LinkedIn pictures when creating candidates and CRM contacts
Prerequisite :
From Chrome : please go to the Chrome Web Store in order to add our BoondManager extension to your browser.
From Mozilla Firefox : please open your browser and copy/paste the following URL in the search bar: https://www.boondmanager.com/wp-content/addons/boondmanager_for_linkedin.xpi and then click on Add. Then if you wish, you'll need to think of activating the extension even when you're using the private navigation.
We've done a real lifting in order to make it easier to manage the billing instructions and details.
New Billing tab on the companies
To avoid any kinds of confusion between the sales and the billing information of the company, and in order to make the billing information more secure, we've created a new billing tab.
This tab will contain :
- The invoices,
- The orders,
- The billing instructions.
W've simplified the way we display the billing details
Cards system
To make it easier to see the different billing details, we've decided to use a card display view:
New way to add emails
From now on, when you fill in emails in the billing details, Boond will be looking for the emails already existing in the CRM contacts.
However, you still have the possibility to add an email address which is not already somewhere in your CRM.
We've made the modifications/deletions of the information used on the invoices more secure
Thanks to this improvement, you will no longer be likely to modify data impacting the existing invoices.
Indeed, when the billing details are being used on a purchase order, Boond will ask you if you want to update them.
New section: billing methods
A new section is now displayed on the orders. This enables you to manage more easily the billing details, to add billing instructions as well as the sending mode.
From the Billing module > Invoices sub-tab, you can filter per sending mode. This will help you group more easily the invoices based on this criteria and this way you'll be able to save time!
We've made it easier to manage the billing details
From now on, you can edit/update the billing details directly from the order. This way, it will spare you some clicks and will be more efficient !
Extractions have been improved
Following on the the evolutions concerning the orders (billing instructions and sending mode), you'll have the possibility to find those two pieces of information when extracting the billing data.
Locking of the invoices
As soon as an invoice has been locked, none of the elements can be changed from the order or the company: payment term, billing details, footer.... All of the elements are locked!
We now keep track of the different PDF versions of the invoice
BoondManager is going to keep track of all of the different PDF versions of the invoices in order to better understand changes made before the invoice gets locked.
Concretely, if the invoice is locked, it can no longer be changed and each new generation of the PDF will reuse the last saved version
From the Actions tab, you'll also have the possibility to view the history of the different PDF versions. To do so, you will need to filter per action type > Notifications.
We hope that this article has been of any help and we invite you to let us know what you thought about if by voting just below
If you still have some more questions, feel free to get in touch by contacting our support team who will be more than happy to help out :