3️⃣ Global settings - Configuring your different reference tools

Global settings regroup the entire configuration of labels, automatic email templates and all other global settings for your BoondManager interface.

It is important to properly configure these settings before entering data in modules. This will prevent you from having to reassign all data after being added to your interface, for example.


"Actions/States" tab

This tab is crucial for managing your processes and future metrics. This video guides you for a simple and efficient configuration! 

"HR data" tab

This tab contains all HR reference tools such as the type of resources (whether they're "billable" or "in structure"), and different settings to configure your HR contracts.

"Opportunities/Projects" tab

This tab allows you to configure the different types of opportunities and projects as well as some options to customize them.

"Miscellaneous" tab

This tab allows you to configure different calendars, currencies, titles (Mr. Ms. etc.), types of purchases as well as the welcome message on the homepage of your collaborators' intranet accounts

"HR and sales evaluations" tab

This tab allows you to manage all reference tools defining candidates, resources, opportunities, and different CRM company and contact cards. It is essential that you configure this tab properly as it will improve the quality of research for profiles/opportunities corresponding to very specific skills and qualifications. 

Mandatory configuration before you start entering your data on your interface:

  • In the Actions/States tab, the states in the different modules that you will use first (usually the Candidates, Resources and CRM modules) and their associated actions,
  • In the HR data tab, resources and contract types
  • In the Miscellaneous tab, add the missing currencies and calendars for your company and for your collaborators, 
  • In the Opportunities/Projects tab, the types of opportunities/projects
  • And in HR and sales evaluations tab, the reference tools that you already use and wish to keep on using with the data you'll be adding in your interface. 


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