February is not only the month of lovers, but also the month when you will discover a lot of new features that will make you very happy.

E-Signature in timesheets for your customers 

This feature aims to simplify the recovery of signed timesheets

Requesting your customer E-signature from a timesheet

From your employee's timesheet, you will be able to send a unique link from BoondManager with the document to be validated by the client (without needing a login/password).

Checking the information

Once the timesheet has been filled in, you can click on the Signature button and thus:

  1. Choose the document you want to send
    • The customer PDF will send the BoondManager's timesheet version
    • You may also attach another document (e.g. your customer timesheet version)
  2. Download and review the document to be sent
  3. Enter the email address of the expected validator
  4. Send the document


Good to know

The address entered for the validator will then be automatically reused for the next times.


Once sent:

  • the selected document is automatically attached in the "Signed documents and attachments" section with the label "document awaiting signature"
  • in the pending task section, you will be able to see who has sent it, when it was sent and the progression of the validation process.
Signature by the customer

The person indicated as the validator will receive an e-mail with a unique code allowing him/her to validate the document sent.

Let's have a look Capture_d_e_cran_2022-02-09_a__16.28.32.png


  Good to know

It is possible to configure the email template from the administration interface > Global Settings > Activity & Expenses tab.

Once the signature is done, the person whose email address has been entered as validator receives a confirmation email


Receipt of signed timesheets
  • The expected task is therefore completed and you can click on the project name to see some information.
  • The attached document is labeled as "Signed document"


Remind your customer when the signature is pending

If necessary, you will be able to send reminders to your customer to sign the document.


The requested validator will then receive a reminder e-mail.


Good to know

It is possible to configure the email template from the administration interface > Global Settings > Activity & Expenses tab.

Saving search settings

Presentation of the feature 

Whatever the modules, to avoid having to reconfigure the same search criteria (keywords, filters, sorting and display options), you now can:

  • save a configuration of search criteria (e.g. keywords = Developer AND Javascript, Availability : ASAP, Mobility : Ile-de-France, Display : List ...)

  • name these search settings to easily find them (e.g. "Java developers available in Paris")


Save a search setting

To do this, it could not be easier. Just go to the relevant module, carry out your search and then click on save search.


Editing a saved search

To update a saved search: 

  1. Update your search configuration according to your new needs
  2. Open the drop-down menu of saved searches
  3. Click on the pen on the right hand side of the view to update
  4. Rename it if necessary
  5. Check "Replace search criteria with current setting"
  6. Save


Delete a saved search

Here's how to do it:


Mobile application

Access to the Candidates module

On IOS and Android, you can now access candidates and get their contact information and actions.


 Can't see the Candidates module?

Remember to click on the "... More" tab on the right of your toolbar. If you want to add the Candidates module as a direct access, you can look at how to do this in the "Configure your toolbar" section below.

 Good news!

For Android phone users, your phone will also be able to recognise and display the candidate numbers by searching into the BoondManager app.

For IOS users, you will have to wait until April to benefit from it.

Creating and updating actions

In order to keep track of your actions wherever you are, the mobile application is evolving. It now allows you to update your actions and in a few weeks' time it will also allow you to create them directly from the application.

Company and contact creation

It is now possible to create companies and contacts directly from the mobile application.


Configure your toolbar

In order to go faster, it is possible to configure the modules that are displayed in your toolbar.


Other improvements

PUSH actions: save the content and recipients of the email

Up to now, the PUSH carried out via the Emailing application already made it possible to save the list of attachments sent and the list of CRM contacts concerned. The idea is now to also allow the content of the email sent and all of the recipients (to, cc, bcc) to be recorded.


If you want to take advantage of this, then you need to go to Administration > Global Settings > Actions / States tab > at the bottom of the page Action created during a push from the Emailing App to configure it.


Increase the number of positioning states

Up to now, you were able to configure up to 10 states for positioning. From now on, you can configure 15 of them (as for the other states).

 Fancy participating in our roadmap?

For a few months, we have been providing a portal where you can find the evolutions that are officially in our roadmap. Feel free to come and vote to help us deal with the different suggestions in the best possible way (by describing their criticality and how it would help you). Also, feel free to submit other ideas by clicking on the "+ Submit idea" button at the top-right corner of the screen.
Our product team relies 100% on customer feedback so that our teams can work exclusively on developments which will help you in your daily life.

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Tel : (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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