Whichever module you use, to avoid having to configure over and over again the same search criteria (keywords, filters, sorting and view), you can:
save your search criteria (i.e. Keywords = Developer AND Javascript, Avail. : ASAP, Mobility : Europe, View : Liste ...)
name this search to easily find it and use it again (i.e. "Java Developer available in Paris")
You have the possibility to share your saved searches to other users in order to structure everyone's searches. This way, Branch Managers / Team Managers can create searches and share them to the right collaborators to prevent everyone from creating the same searches on their side.
How do I share a saved search?
When saving/displaying your saved search, you can see the "Shared with" section. Here, you can select the users with whom you need to share the saved search:
Once shared, at the right of a search, you will see this icon:
Why can't I see the "Shared with" section?
In order to be able to share your searches, you need your Administrator to give you the sharing access rights. We invite you to contact the BoondManager administrator of your company and invite them to check the "Access rights and administration" section of this article. We have detailed the necessary access rights and how to administer them.
Configuring the feature
Administration > Managers / Roles > Role card or Manager card
You have 3 possibilities:
- Edit personal saved searches
This is the current behaviour. This will allow each manager to create his/her personal saved searches - Share saved searches
This will give the user the possibility to create searches and share them (only his/hers) - Share and edit any saved searches
The user will be able to edit and share any of the saved searches (whoever the creator is)
Templates management
As an administrator you can manage templates.
To do so, a new section has been added in the administration.
From this section, you'll see all of the saved searches and will be able to modify/update the people able to see them.
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :