

First of all, you have to set up some elements following the order indicated below.

1. Create a dedicated project type

Administration > Global settings > Opportunities/Projects tab > Opportunities and projects types section


2. Define the default Opportunities and projects daily unit of work

Administration > Legal agencies > select the right legal agency > Information tab > Global configuration section



All ressources who work on the project in daily unit of work have to declare their time in daily unit of work.

You have 2 options:
  1. Most of your resources declare their times in work unit.
    => Then we invite you to change the value of daily work unit for your resources in the configuration of your legal agency.
  2. Very few of your resources declare their times in work unit.
    => Then we invite you to customise the number of daily work for each resource

  Good to know:

Work units are now locked in every timesheet!
If your resources used to declare a number of work unit on the previous months and that you decide to change their configuration, this won't modify their history. The number of work unit is now locked in every timesheet when they are created.

Example: If one of your resource used to declare 7 daily work units until May and then in June you decide to change the configuration and indicate 8 daily work units, this will only impact the new timesheets which will be created after the modification.

Create and qualify a project in work unit

Information tab


When the project is created, if you have several legal agencies and that the agency linked to the project is not the one using the work units, it's then important to configure the work unit on the project.


Deliveries tab

When you qualify your delivery, you need to fill in the sales charge per unit of work and the number of work units sold.

You will also see the equivalence in days.


Times declaration in unit of work

The work unit type is the one which has been defined in the configuration of the resource card when it's been created.


Following-up on consumption

Consumption tab of the project


Reporting > Projects


Billing the projects in work units

PostProduction app

In the Production column, we display the quantity and work unit type of the project.


On the invoice

On the invoice, the detail will be displayed in work units and the quantity will be retrieved.



Can we change the work unit type used on the previous timesheets?

  • If your resources used to declare a number of work unit on the previous months and that you decide to change their configuration, this won't modify their history. The number of work unit is now locked in every timesheet when they are created.

    Example: If one of your resource used to declare 7 daily work units until May and then in June you decide to change the configuration and indicate 8 daily work units, this will only impact the new timesheets which will be created after the modification.

Can a resource who declares his/her times in days work on a project in work units?

  • No, the numbers declared will not be consistent as we'll consider he/she works 1 work unit per day.

Can a resource who declares his/her times in work unit work on a project in days?

  • Yes, this is not a problem as it was already possible before and will still be. The numbers on the project will be in days (whichever the equivalent in work unit).


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