Our teams haven't been out of work this summer! And we are extremely proud to introduce you all these new features. 

New features

Seniority dates 🎂

This feature will now allow you to determine the seniority of your employees, and in that way, it will now be possible to celebrate professional birthdays!


Link to the tutorial

Tracking & analyzing the end of processes🕵️‍♀️

From now on, with this new feature, you will be able to clarify the reason for the end of a process on a few types of cards. 


Link to the tutorial

Introducing : Dark Mode 🌓

For those of you who are part of the Dark side of the Force, we present to you our new Dark Mode


Link to the tutorial

Delivery types 🆕 

In order to differentiate new deliveries from renewed deliveries or new deliveries due to a substitution, it will be possible to assign a Type to each delivery. 


Link to the tutorial

Swiss QR Code invoices 🇨🇭

Since September 2022, Swiss laws require that issued invoices include a QR Code (replacing payment slips). Therefore, you can now : 

  • issue a QR invoice with no reference (with an IBAN) directly from BoondManager 

  • scan the QR code and confirm the payment for the invoice's recipient

Link to the tutorial

Upgrades in the Administration (Global settings)

Changing display order 🔀

Yes! You can now sort, as you wish, the display order of your different labels in Global settings, but you can now also choose the default value you need for your different "states" and "actions". 

Drag and drop


Default value

This default value will be replicated when creating a new card or "action".



Unlimited options 🚀

You may have noticed there used to be a limit with the number of "states" and "actions" you could create on different modules. From now on, the number of options is unlimited. You can create as many "states" and "actions" as you want in whichever module🥳.

Other upgraded features

Identify the initiated threads 📌

With this upgrade, we reworked the Share/Threads icon in order to identify cards with already initiated threads, in just one look!


Link to the article

"Converted to Resource" is back! 👐

A candidate that was "Converted to Resource" could also be required to go back into the recruitment process once they leave the workforce. This upgrade allows us to edit this step.

We invite you to read the following tutorial : Converting a Candidate into a Resource

Absences requests filters 🔎

Activities & Expenses > Absences requests

A new Period filter allows you to filter by :

  • Creation date: when the absence request was created
  • Period : visualize all absences requests that were submitted/set on the selected period



We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

Reach out to our support team

Tel : (+33) 03 62 27 61 05


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