Analyze your performance effortlessly with thematic dashboards and centralized control views. Take control of your data to make informed decisions.
Access to the app is currently available in beta testing only!
This means that this feature is offered to a limited group of customers before its official launch. Your experience and feedback will help us improve and tailor it to better meet your needs. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to contact our support team !
Table of Contents
Access to the Advanced Reporting view is managed by permissions in
Administration> Manager/Role > The Manager Role
In the Planning & Reporting section, you will find an "Advanced Reporting" section. You can enable access to the Advanced Reporting dashboards for a team member by clicking the green checkmark.
Then click on the settings gear icon to adjust the filtering options:
- Adjust here on which scopes your team members can filter in the dashboards linked to this module (agency, business unit, manager, division).
- Enable the possibility to see all data, regardless of their filtering rights.
Need help with permissions?
Find all the details on permissions settings in our dedicated tutorial!
You can access this dashboard dedicated to resource production control by going to:
Your side menu > Advanced View > Tab >Resource Production
This reporting offers two tabs that we will detail together.
Here you can analyze your key indicators to monitor the production of your resources at a glance.
- Filter here by scope (Agency, BU, Pole, Manager), and the desired period (year, semester, quarter, month).
- Find here your 4 key figures related to the filtered scope or period: production revenue, production cost, gross margin, and gross margin rate.
- This chart summarizes these 4 data points and allows you to visualize and compare volumes.
- Track the evolution of your gross margin rate over time.
Important Point!
Data from internal projects or those not linked to a resource are excluded from the indicators! For more information about these KPIs, visit our glossary.
Here, you will find all detailed data for conducting a more thorough analysis of the results from the Summary tab.
Here’s how to properly read and analyze the displayed data:
By row: resources
For each resource row, you will find details of the projects and assignments they can work on during the selected period (based on their assignment dates).
- The name of the resource concerned;
- The project reference;
- The associated assignment reference. The mention "Others" refers to certain data related to the project and the resource but not the assignment (e.g., data from Projects+).
By column: indicators related to production revenue and production cost
- Here is the breakdown of your resources' production revenue.
- This part of the table details the production costs of your resources.
Find out everything you need to know about the Project Production dashboard upon its release!
Find out everything you need to know about the Agency Production dashboard upon its release!
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We provide a portal where you will find officially planned roadmap updates. Feel free to vote for these to help us prioritize them (by describing their urgency and how they would benefit you). Also, don't hesitate to submit other ideas by clicking the "Submit an idea" button at the top right.
Our product team is 100% guided by client feedback, ensuring that our teams exclusively work on updates that help you in your daily work.
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