Creating a simulated contract at the application stage allows you to optimize time on multiple subjects. This tutorial guides you on this aspect.
Create a simulated HR contract is very simple.
Go to your Candidate's card :
- In the Information tab: specify the type of candidate. This will allow the tool to simulate a salary or daily rate.
- In the Administrative tab: click on "+ Add a contract".
- Enter any information you know or wish to simulate (i.e. potential salary)
- No need to enter additional information that you are not sure of yet (i.e. starting date, coefficient etc.).
- Save.
In a few clicks, you simulated a contract. This now gives you a view on this candidate's Average Daily Cost (ADC) calculated with the salary/daily rate, contractual advantages but also with the indicated charges and number of annual working days.
Generating actual documents from this contract
If you uploaded templates on BoondManager through the DocTemplates app, then this simulated contract allows you to generate a DOCX or PDF document such as:
- An employment offer resuming information present in the simulated contrat.
- An HR contrat for your candidate to sign.
Saving time when converting into a Resource
If the contract is already created, and if your candidate accepted the terms and joined your staff, all the information of your candidate's card including their simulated contract will be imported in their Resource card. All you have to do is check different elements (starting date, salary etc.) if necessary.
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