How to create and pay your subcontracting purchases

In Boondmanager, you can assign employees or external consultants to your projects. You just need to have a well defined delivery.


Creating a subcontracting purchase

Creating and qualifying a delivery

Let's start by creating a classic project, and assign a resource on it. It creates a delivery and allows the resource to seize it's times, and also managers to follow the project profitability.

Qualifying a delivery

It is really important to properly qualify your delivery because some information will be used when you create the purchase card. Therefore, you have to verify that the delivery corresponds to the purchase you want to create by checking the following information:

  • The dates of the delivery ; 
  • The number of days sold ;
  • The average daily cost (ADC) of the collaborator, which is also his cost price ;
  • The daily sales charge ;


Once everything has been verified, you just have to click on the + button to turn your delivery into a purchase, and click "yes" at the pop-up opening. 

The pop-up will warn you that : 


  • The delivery datas will be used for the purchase
  • You can follow the payments from the provider through the purchase card
  • This delivery costs will not be included in your production costs anymore. It means that the real cost of the delivery will not be calculated on the collaborator timesheet, but with the purchase's confirmed payments 

 Good to know

Be careful, in order to go through all these steps, you will need to have access rights for creating purchases and reading/writing access to purchase cards for which you are the main manager.

Creating a purchase

Well done, you just created a purchase card ! The tool will make you automatically switch to the purchase module, and you can now configure your purchase.

Information tab

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  1. When creating your purchase, the payment schedules are by default set to the 'Planned' state.
    You can choose to create these payment schedules in advance by keeping this setting (which will allow you to track the invoices to be issued by your providers and remind them if necessary), or opt for the 'Manual' payment creation option (Boond will not create the payment schedules; they will be created when validating the provider invoices you receive each month). 
  2. Delivery purchases are always of a monthly type.
    You cannot modify this field.
  3. The category is also imposed as an 'external delivery'.
    However, you can change the term if it does not suit you by going to Administration > Global Settings > Miscellaneous tab > Purchases section.
  4. The start and end dates are copied from your delivery and cannot be modified.
    These dates define a certain number of schedules, which cannot be modified either.
  5. You will find the estimated amount of each schedule excluding tax (ET) and including tax (IT).
    These amounts cannot be modified either at this stage; you can modify them each month when processing your providers' invoices in the payment schedules.
  6. You are free to specify your payment terms and a VAT rate.
    The VAT rate chosen here will determine the total amount including tax (IT) of your purchase.

Payments tab

If you have chosen to create payments with the state 'Planned', the tool has created as many payment schedules for you as there are months covered by the dates of delivery and thus the purchase. However, you are free to add or delete schedules and modify the dates and amounts excluding tax (ET).

In the payment tab, you will also find a financial summary that includes your already completed payments and your planned payments. This allows you to see the Delta.

You can also find a summary of your payment states.

Return to the delivery

Delivery tab

You can now see that :

  • The "delivery purchase" mention has been added to your external consultant's delivery
  • A purchase tab has appeared in your delivery card

Consumption tab

In order to calculate the real cost of the delivery, purchases will be incremented in the "Purchases & details" line and the "Cost ET" column.

The tool no longer bases the calculation of production costs on the time entered in the timesheets by your external consultant, but rather on the validated payment schedules (with the state 'Confirmed' or 'Paid') as you process your consultant's invoices.


Processing your subcontractors' invoices

Invoice submission by the freelance consultant from their intranet account

Invoice submission can be done by freelancers themselves through their intranet accounts, via the "My Invoices" module.

Mes factures côté freelances.jpeg

      1. "Draft" or "To Be Validated" states
        The invoice will be visible on your side as soon as it is saved by the freelancer, with the state "Draft" or "To Be Validated". The "To Be Validated" state locks the invoice on the freelancer's intranet side (so they will no longer be able to modify it once it has switched to this state), awaiting processing by their client through their BoondManager interface (validation or rejection).
      2. Reference, Invoice date, Amount Excluding Tax (ET) and Amount Including Tax (IT)
        These fields will be automatically pre-filled when the invoice is submitted in BoondManager (OCR).
      3. Billing period (start and end date)
        The billing period must be updated manually.
      4. Discussion threads
        Once the invoice is submitted and saved, the freelance consultant can access the discussion threads to communicate with their client about this invoice.

Activating Freelance and Subcontractor intranet accounts

The "My Invoices" module is enabled by default in the "Freelance Intranet" role and is not enabled in the "Subcontractor Intranet" role. You can change this default setting, if you wish to do so, by going to the Administration.

Administration > Managers/Roles > Roles tab

For more information on activating Employee / Freelance / Subcontractor intranet accounts, please refer to the dedicated article.

Invoice submission by your Purchase Manager

If you have not enabled the "My Invoices" module in the intranet role of your subcontractors, or if you wish to submit an invoice on behalf of your freelance consultant, your provider invoice manager can submit them directly:

  • In the Purchases module > Providers invoices section
  • In the external Resource card > Invoices tab

Dépôt facture fournisseur.gif

  1. Available states: Draft, To Be Validated, Validated, Rejected, Paid
    Switching to the "Validated" state automatically generates the creation of a payment in the associated delivery purchase.
  2. Reference, Invoice date, Amount Excluding Tax (ET) and Amount Including Tax (IT)
    These fields will be automatically pre-filled when the invoice is submitted in BoondManager (OCR).
  3. Billing period (start and end date)
    The billing period must be updated manually.
How to follow your delivery purchases

Now that you know everything about creating subcontracting purchases and how to process your providers invoices, let's see how we can efficiently track your purchases and payment schedules. 

Generating a payment schedule from the provider invoice

When you change a provider invoice to the "Validated" state, this automatically triggers the creation of a payment in the related delivery purchase (if the invoice covers multiple deliveries, multiple payments will be created in each purchase).

The payment amount will be defined based on the entry made by the delivery provider in their timesheet/expense reports. However, if this amount does not match the amount on the provider invoice, you can modify it by going directly to the payment schedule.

You can find the generated payment from the Provider Invoice card or from the Purchases > Payments section.


 Nota Bene

If you have chosen to create planned payments when creating your delivery purchase, the validation of the provider invoice will not update the existing payment for the concerned month. It will add a new payment schedule, which will be in the "Confirmed" state. Remember to delete the initial schedule, which contains the planned amount, since it is no longer needed given that the provider invoice has been received and validated.

You can then manage your payments from the Payments section in the Purchases module:

  • To track your upcoming payments (invoices to be issued not yet received from your providers) and remind your providers if necessary, use the filters: Purchase Category "External Delivery" / State "Planned" / Period "Payment Date" > Dynamic Period "Last Month". 
  • To track your payments to be made (received and processed provider invoices), use the filters: Purchase Category "External Delivery" / State "Confirmed" / Period "Planned Payment Date" > Dynamic Period "This Month".

 When the payment is made, you can change the payment state to "Paid," either in bulk from the Payments view or one by one from each Payment card.


 Remember to save your searches!

The saved searches feature allows you to keep these filters and thus avoid configuring these same searches every month! Feel free to refer to the dedicated article if you want more information about saving your searches.


To facilitate checking or analyzing the payment of your schedules, you can:

  • Extract payments in CSV format using the "Extract" button in the Payments view.
  • Export all associated provider invoices using the "Export" button in the Providers Invoices view (you can find your export by clicking on your name at the top right > Download Center).


To go further

To optimise your daily usage, you can save into Boondmanager your provider's bank details and generate a SEPA file to later pay all of your invoices by transfer. 

To do this, you just have to download the SEPA app with your administrator's help. 
(Administration  > MarketPlace > Sepa > Install the app, then enable it for the concerned managers on their manager profile).

You can watch this tutorial how to use SEPA for more informations !


  Why doesn't my consultant appear in the list of resources when I want to add a provider invoice?

If your consultant does not appear in this list, it is because they do not have the correct "Type" of resource allocated in their card: we only list resources categorized as external (billable external and structural external). Go to your consultant's Resource card > Information tab and check the Resource type assigned to them. Additionally, a "Invoices" tab will be added to the Resource cards of these types (billable external and structural external).

  Once the invoice is uploaded, why don’t I see any Activities and Expenses in the designated box, even though my consultant has submitted timesheets?

Make sure to update the start and end dates of the billing period, as these dates are used to display the activities and expenses entered during the period!

  Why can’t I change the invoice state to "Validated"? The state is greyed out.

To change the invoice state to "Validated," you need to have created a delivery purchase and have the rights to create payments. If you believe you lack the necessary rights, contact your administrator to configure the required settings.

  Can I upload multiple invoices at the same time?

No, the user can only upload one invoice at a time.

  Can I upload any type of file for provider invoices?

The accepted and OCR-compatible file formats are: .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg.

  Can I replace one invoice with another in a Provider Invoice card?

Yes, once the invoice is created and saved, you can choose to delete the previous file and upload a new one.

Nota Bene: The second document uploaded in a Provider Invoice card will not be OCR-processed, so you will need to manually re-enter the details from the new invoice.

  Can my freelancer delete an invoice?

Yes, but only invoices with the state "Draft."

  Can my freelancer modify an uploaded invoice?

Only invoices with the state "Draft" and "Rejected" can be modified by the freelance consultant. Invoices in any other state are accessible only in read-only mode.

  How can I assign an intranet role in bulk to my freelance consultants or subcontractors?

By default, your consultants will have an "Employee Intranet" role. You can modify this role in bulk using the IntranetAccounts app available in the Marketplace (Administration > Apps/Marketplace > Marketplace tab).

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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