The "Actions" module is the module displayed by default when you log in in your BoondManager environment.
All of the reminders to deal with within your perimeter (to-do actions) are displayed by default. It also allows you to see the actions you've already carried out.
The Actions modules aims at :
- Helping you on a daily basis with your priority reminders to deal with (chasing up on a prospect, following up on a project, interviews with a candidate...),
- Feeding you with useful information in order to prepare your sales, HR and administrative meetings.
- Giving you the possibility to analyse the actions already carried out within your own perimeter and the other managers' perimeter (according to your access rights). Ex: viewing all the of meetings done in the CRM or the projects follow-ups)
- Allowing you to assign reminders / actions between managers
- Keeping track of all the actions, exchanges, meetings with your prospects, resources, clients...
If you wish to create an action that you've carried out in BoondManager in order to:
- Keep track of a phone call to candidate
- Write the annual appraisal of a employee
- Write the meetings of a meeting with a prospect
- Keep track of a project follow-up meeting
- Option 1 : Go to the Actions tab and click on the + button
- Chemin 2 : Click on the + button and then "Action"
- By default, the tool will suggest creating a "Reminder / To do" but you can select another action type in the dropdown (configured by the administrator of your interface)
- Indicate the date and time the action was carried out
- Here, you will be able to indicate who carried out the action. By default when you create an action, your name will be selected as a manager
- Now, it's time to write your notes in the dedicated space
- And save.
An action is always linked to a person (candidate, resource, CRM contact). From the CRM, you will then need to follow this path : CRM > Company > Contact card> Create the action
A Reminder/To do is a task to be carried out in the future. If you wish to create a "Reminder" in BoondManager on a contact card such as:
- Call back a candidate to set up an interview
- Chase up a prospect
- Do a project follow-up
- Receive a client order
- Fix an appointment
- ...
Then you need to follow the same path as for any other action type from the contact card (candidate, resource or CRM contact):
- Option 1 : Go to the Actions tab and click on the + button. Or option 2 : Click on the + button and then on "Action"
- Keep the "Reminder/To do" action type
- Indicate the date and time when you plan on doing the action
- Now you just need to write the details of your reminder
- And finally save.
Your "Reminder/To do" will be created in different places :
- In the relevant CRM contact card
- In the Actions module
- On your dashboard on the day of the reminder
Reminder :
A Reminder / to-do is always linked to a person (candidate, resource, CRM contact). From the CRM, you will then need to follow this path : CRM > Company > Contact card> Create the action
By default, BoondManager displays all of the actions and reminders within your perimeter for the activated modules.
In the Actions module, the "Reminder/To do" are displayed by default by chronological order. This way, if "Reminders" are not dealt with in time, they will still be displayed as long as you do not carry out the necessary action.
Deal with the Reminders/To Do
To deal with a "Reminder", there are different possible scenario :
Example: you have a "reminder" as you've panned an interview with a candidate or a call with a client. This planned action took place.
In this case, you click on the Reminder and modify the action type to select the one which happened, write the content of the exchange and save.
2. The "Reminder" is to be postponed
Finally, you're going to delete the "Reminder".
Share an action/a reminder with another manager
It can happen that you carry out actions or plan reminders that you'd like to share with your colleagues. In BoondManager you can share everything you create!
To do so, it's easy peasy, you'll see in the top right hand corner of each card a "share" button: you just need to click on it.
- Then select one or several recipients in the list.
Check that the subject and the body of the message are ok or modify them if need be.
NB: you'll have the direct URL link to the action in the body of the message. - You can choose to copy yourself in on the email
- Click to send out!
You can create predefined groups of recipients in order to save time!
See the actions/Reminders of other managers
To see the actions or reminders of other managers, you first need to make sure you have the necessary rights. If this is not the case, please get in touch with your BoondManager administrators.
Then, you just need to go to the Actions module and filter per perimeter or to go directly on the relevant card
Example : you'd like to see a candidate interview report written by your colleague, so you go the candidate module > click on the candidate to open his/her profile > Actions tab > you'll see all of the actions linked to that person.
Assign an action/a reminder to another manager
It can happen that you carry out an action and that you want to assign it to another manager. To do so, make sure with your administrator that you have the necessary right to reassign actions.
Once this has been checked, you just need to go to the relevant action and then select another manager in the dropdown list, as follows:
If you want to synchronise your actions and reminders with your Google or Microsoft calendar, this is possible! BoondManager offers the GCalendar and Microsoft apps for the synchronisation.
Anything else? Yes, you can even invite your colleagues or clients from the action / reminder in BoondManager.
You can download those Apps in the marketplace or ask your administrator to do it for you.
We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.
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