You are a freelancer who works for several clients using BoondManager (lucky you đŸ€©)? Or maybe you are an administrator of multiple interfaces?

This article will detail how to access your different interfaces in BoondManager.


Accessing my workspaces

In BoondManager, you can be a user of multiple workspaces simultaneously and can navigate between them easily.

To switch between multiple workspaces, simply click on your First Name at the top right of the interface and click on the button.

You will then see a list of workspaces/companies you work with and can select the interface you wish to navigate to.

Capture d’écran 2024-07-04 à 14.51.34.png

Merging workspaces

Do you have multiple BoondManager accounts and want to merge them?

It's very simple! đŸ€©

  1. Click on your name at the top right of the interface.
  2. Go to "My Account" for the account you want to merge.
  3. Change the login to that of the destination account.
  4. Enter the current password for the account you're on (for security reasons, we verify that it is indeed you who wants to merge this account).
  5. Confirm
  6. You will then need to access the destination email inbox to confirm the merge by clicking on the link received by email.

The merge will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes without a response; you can also cancel it manually before this limit is reached.


 I have two BoondManager accounts (2 different email addresses) and would like to merge these two accounts, is that possible?

Yes! đŸ€©

  1. Go to "My Profile" on the account you want to merge.
  2. Change the login to match your destination account's login.
  3. Enter the current password of the account you are on (for security reasons, we verify that it is indeed you who wants to merge this account).
  4. Confirm.
  5. You then need to access the destination email inbox to confirm the merge by clicking on the link received by email.

The merge is automatically canceled after 5 minutes without a response. It can also be manually canceled before this time limit.

 I don’t see the “Change Workspace” button.

To have access to the "Change Workspace" option, you must have a BoondManager account and must have been invited to join another workspace.

If you are a user of only one account, the "Change Workspace" button will not be visible.

 How come when I change workspaces, I am sometimes required to log in via the trusted third party?

This happens if the administrator of that workspace requires a login via the trusted third party to access it.

 Can I change the name of a workspace?

At the moment, only a BoondManager administrator can change this value.

Feel free to send your request to

 I have a sandbox, is it considered a workspace?

Yes, absolutely. You can then merge your accounts and easily access your different workspaces.

We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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