Whether it's residence permits or collaborators' certification, there are always documents with an expiration date and managing them is generally not an easy task.
We offer you the opportunity to manage these documents, and show you how to follow them up and configure them on BoondManager.
Documents to follow up are in the Administrative tab of Resource cards.
By clicking on the + button, you can add one of these types of document (mentioned in the drop-down menu).
Choosing the type of document
The present list is customizable in the Administration. We invite to refer to the "Configuring types of documents to follow up" section of this article to learn more.
Follow-up required/ Follow-up not required states
If the follow-up is enabled ("Follow-up required" state), you will be notified 60 days before the expiration date of a document. This will allow you to anticipate this deadline and to plan on renewing the document with your employee.
If the follow-up isn't enabled ("Follow-up not required" state), you will not be notified that the document is about to expire.
Good to know
When you save a new document, a section allowing you to upload attachments appears and allows you to save the document in this very section.
Renewing documents
Thanks to notifications, you will be alerted when a document is about to expire. You will then be able to go to the document in question, saved in the Administrative tab of the Resource card.
There are 2 options for you to renew a document:
- From the Administrative tab, select the document to renew in the list of documents to follow up then click on the "Create a renewal" option.
- From the document card that you wish to renew, click on the renewing button (circular arrows icon) at the top right corner to renew your document
To stop the alert, you can choose to either renew the document or to change the state of the document to "Follow-up not required".
Just like in any card on BoondManager, you can share a document to follow up with another manager, through the Share icon (conversation bubble icon): either by email through the Share option, or through a Discussion thread.
Administration > Global settings > HR Data tab > Types of documents to follow up section
By default, there are only 2 types of documents: Residence permit and Certification.
You can archive them and/or add types of documents such as authorizations, medical fitness certificate, travel pass or any type of document that has an expiration date and needs to be renewed for everything to be in good standing with your resource.
What are the required access rights to be able to configure and add documents to follow up?
To configure/archive types of documents, you need to have access to the Global settings section of the Administration.
In order to add/edit a document to follow up on a Resource card, you need to have writing access to the Resource's administrative data.
Once the document is renewed, am I still notified of the expiration of the previous document?
When you renew a document, the previous document remains visible in the list but automatically changes to a "Follow-up not required" state, in order to unable the associated alert for that document.
I no longer want to be notified of the expiration of a document, what can I do?
You can change the state of the document and switch it from "Follow-up required" to "Follow-up not required".
I want to change the alerts for the documents to follow up, how can I do that?
By default, a notification will alert you 60-days before the document's expiration date. To edit this 60-day period, you can go to the Alerts app configuration (Administration > Apps / Marketplace): you will find the alert in the Resources section to edit it if necessary.
What's the impact if I choose to delete or archive a type of document?
You can delete or archive types of documents that you do not wish to use directly from the Administration > Global Settings > HR Data.
- If you archive a type of document, that type of documents already created on Resource card will remain visible, but it will no longer be possible to renew the document or add new ones. You can reactivate an archived type of document at any time.
- If the type of document is used on a resource profile, it cannot be deleted (only archived).
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