You wish to manage your breeding ground of internal / external resources? Follow this tutorial to know everything about how to create a resource!



Step 1: Create a resource from A to Z

Convert a candidate into a resource

This is the right option to choose when the resource already exists as a candidate in your recruiting ground

To convert your candidate into a resource (internal or external), we invite you to follow this tutorial!

Create a new resource

If the resource card does not exist yet in your Candidates database, you can directly create it in the Resources module by clicking on the + button (Create)

Resources module > + button


Step 2: Information tab

Resources module > concerned resource card > Information tab


In the first place, we advise you to focus on the following fields :

  1. Last name and First name
  2. Resource type : internal or external consultant, business managers, HR managers... This information is very important as this will have an impact of the way we calculate the costs of the resource (cf. step 3)
  3. The E-mail 1 field (used for sharing the intranet access, emailings, the validation or refusal of timesheets, expenses and absences requests)
  4. The Avg. rate (ET) which corresponds to the target seling price of the resource

    Finally attach the CV in the provided field (Resource resumes). Do not forget to save!
Step 3: Contractual data

It is very important to fill in the contractual data for each and every resource (even for the external ones) as it will allow to define the Contractual ADC (ET/day) used to calculate the planned production costs of your resources on your opportunities and projects as well as to calculate the real production costs on the projects thanks to the consumption data (retrieved from timesheets)



To avoid putting in the same information twice, the contractual data must be qualified BEFORE managing the positionings and the projects!

Create the contract

Resource card > Administrative tab > "Add Contract" button



Therefore you are redirected to the contrat of your resource :

Resource card > Administrative tab > Contract card

If the person is an internal resource :
  1. Select the contract type (permanent, short term...)
  2. Put a start date ( and an end date if this is a short term contract for instance)
  3. You might also indicate the probation end dates which are already planned (useful if you want the system to notify you of approaching probation end dates)
  4. Choose the category, classification and the working time (those are just informative fields which will be reused in payroll preparation with our ExtractPayroll app)
  5. Fill in the annual salary (gross) (or monthly, depending on your legal agency settings)
  6. If need be, customise the charges as well as the number of annual working days. By default, the pre-filled data will come from the settings of the legal agency
  7. Define the contractual advantages and the contractual expenses if applicable

Manage the advantages of your resources

The contractual advantages are declared by the Managers of the company when preparing payroll (depending on the payment rules set up on your interface). Luncheon vouchers can be a type of contractual advantage for example.

Contractual advantages

The list of contractual advantages will need to be created beforehand on the admin side (> Legal agencies > HR data tab). When preparing payroll from the ExtractPayroll app, the tool will suggest adding automatically each month the contractual advantages linked to the resource contract depending on the payment rules which will have been created (such as number of production and internal days declared)

Contractual expenses will have to be declared by the Resources when they do their expense reports. Daily traveling expenses can be an example of contractual expenses.

Contractual expenses

The list of contractual expenses will need to be defined beforehand on the admin side (> Legal agencies > Activities & Expenses tab > Expenses types section). If you have added to the contract a list of contractual expenses, the tool will pre-fill the expenses report each month. The resource can still decide, depending on the activity done, to manually modify the pre-filled expenses report. 

This contractual data will allow to get a precise Contractual ADC which will be useful to calculate the daily average production costs of resources working on opportunities or projects.

Here is how the contractual ADC is calculated :

Contractual ADC = Salary ADC + contractual advantages ADC + contractual expenses ADC

Salary ADC = [(gross monthly salary x charges) x 12] / number of annual working days

Contractual advantages ADC = Contractual advantages calculates on a daily basis

Contractual expenses ADC = Contractual expenses calculated on a daily basis


To calculate the real production costs of a resource on his/her projects, the contractual advantages & expenses are taken into account in the ADC even if the managers do not pay the contractual advantages and even if the resource do not declare the contractual expenses

If the person is an external resource :

You have to define the purchase conditions of the resource so that they will be suggested by default when the resource will be positioned on an opportunity or will be working on a delivery. Depending on each situation, you will then be able to define from each opportunity or delivery different conditions if need be.

    • Select the contract type (Freelance/Sub-contractor)
    • Put a start date (when you started working with the external resource)
    • Define the daily rate of the resource

This contractual data will enable you to get a Contractual ADC which will be useful to calculate the daily average production costs of resources working on opportunities or projects.

Here is how the contractual ADC is calculated :

Contractual ADC = Gross Daily Rate + potentially the ADC of contractual advantages and expenses

  • Attach the administrative documents if applicable
Step 4: Filling in the TD

Resources > Resource card > TD tab

  • In the first place, we recommend filling in the Title of your resource, it means his/her job (such as, "BI Project Manager" or "SAP Consultant") and his/her skills in the key words area  This information will be indexed when using keywords to search for resources in the Resource module.
  • To allow the resource to fill in himself/herself his/her DT from the intranet, tick the box :  "Allow the resource to edit his TD from his intranet".
  • Fill in the other available fields if you wish : experience, education, languages, degrees, activity & expertise areas, tools...).

Do not forget to save!

Step 5: Configuration of the intranet

Pay attention to this section only if you have subscribed to the "Activities & Expenses" module

To find out more about the intranet activation (access and approval workflows) please have a look at this article :-)

Last step: Actions

Resources > Resource card > Actions tab

To find out more about actions, how they work and the way they can help you everyday, please have a look at this article :-)


We hope that this tutorial has been of any help and we invite you to let us know by voting in the dedicated section below.

If you still have other questions, feel free to get in touch with our Support team :

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