- Emailing : send emails via BoondManager
- Wobee
- Digital Workplace
- Projects+
- Hour Accounts
- DocTemplates
- ExtractBI
- Installing & configuring an app
- Survey
- 🚨 Configuring and using alerts
- Connect and create automation between your different applications with Zapier
- ExceptionalActivity
- IntranetAccounts
- PostProduction - managing invoices, production turnover and scheduled payments
- Viewer
- GCalendar & GMail
- Microsoft
- PlanProduction - Graphic display of reported times & absence requests
- ResourcePlanner
- Creating & sending quotations
- Contracts - Resource contract management
- AbsenceBalances
- Advantages
- AnsweringValidators
- BackupBDD
- CreateActivityDocuments
- Compta & Paie
- OrganizationChart
- DataClosing